Jun 10, 2010

June 10 - Acts 8:4-40

Simon the Magician saw that the apostles had a special power and he wanted it. He even offered them money for it. But, he got it all wrong. Power for Simon meant the ability to attract and impress people. Power for a lot of people means the ability to control something.

Yet, Holy Spirit power has nothing to do with control. A Christian life is about surrender and we are given the Holy Spirit not so that we can become superhuman beings. We are given the Holy Spirit so that we can be a channel of God's power. We are not the actual power source. We are the power lines that transmit this power. And power lines don't
say when it is time to turn the power on or off.

Without the Holy Spirit we are like useless powerlines or cables just laying in the dirt.
what would you want to be? Connected or just a pile of unused cables?

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