Oct 21, 2010

Sr. High Bible Reading - Matthew 8

YES! We are reading in Matthew for now. I wasn't sure where to start because everyone is at different place in Matthew so we'll start with Matthew 8.

Matthew 8 follows a very important huge CHUNK of teaching in Matthew 5-7. Those are known as the "teaching" chapters.

Now we're heading into the MIRACLE chapters (Matthew 8-9). Remember Matthew didn't organize this gospel chronologically. He made sections.

So what are you supposed to do?
1) keep a journal. Date it, write down the scripture passage you read that day. Write down any questions, thoughts... take a moment to pray and write down what God is saying to you. Sometimes you might not hear anything but let the word stay on your heart and mind all day and come back to your journal at the end of the day. Bottom line is... this is a discipline and it won't come naturally. But, I do pray and hope that you will have a desire to do so..
2) Comment on this blog with questions and/or comments. I'll be sure to address them to the best of my ability. This will help our community engage in the Word of God together.

Let's get started...
vv.1-3 Note the leper's attitude towards Jesus. "If you will.. (volition, want)" He doesn't demand to be healed but humbly asks. He knows that Jesus is a person of extraordinary authority and power.
v 4 "Show yourself to the priest" - it's to get cleared so that this leper is no longer considered "unclean" and thus outcast from society

vv. 5-13 The Roman Centurion's faith...
Here we see another person (this time a Gentile) whose humble attitude towards Jesus is quite evident. Note verse 8 - "Lord, I am not worthy to have you..." A centurion was a man of power in the Roman empire who had command of more than a hundred men. Yet, this man (a man of much pride and power) comes to Jesus humbly to ask to heal his servant. It probably wasn't an easy thing to do.
Jesus notes this man's faith..that this man's faith trusted that Jesus can heal even from a distance. All he needed was His word.

vv. 14-16 Jesus heals Peter's mother-in-law..
Immediately as the mother-in-law is healed, she begins to serve him.. (things to just note)
v. 17 Matthew does his signature "This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah" Remember, Matthew's audience is the Jewish people and he is trying to make a connection to the Hebrew Bible to what Jesus is doing and fulfilling.

So..what is all this healing for??

And we come to a sort of PAUSE moment where Matthew takes a break from all the miracles and talks about the COST OF FOLLOWING JESUS.

So, if you want to follow this amazing Jesus who can heal the sick and calm storms - you've got to commit. Are you willing to put God first before even your family? Your reputation? Your pride? Your desires?

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