Who would have thought..
our Savior would be like a "scrawny seedling" or a "scrubby plant" (The Message)-- nothing extraordinary, nothing too crazy.. nothing attractive about him, someone you'd look down upon and pass over..
Well, this is our Savior. He didn't have to act like he was all that. He just is. He doesn't need to be famous. He just is.
Yet he gave up his glory for us. He became scrawny for us. He became a human being and subjected himself to the suffering for us.
How do you respond to that?
May we, during this season of Lent, shed our glory, or our hunger to be noticed and walk in humility as Jesus did.
Feb 28, 2010
Feb 27, 2010
February 27 - Isaiah 52
This is kind of the big transition.. God's people have sinned, they have suffered.. and now "Awake, awake!" today is a new day!
verse 6: "Yes, it is I"
Can you imagine God saying "Yes, it is I" and people are running to the city carrying a message of hope and salvation? "He's coming. He's coming!" The watchmen are excited. They're shouting shouts of joy!
It's kind of like the Olympics! Those are shouts of joy! We don't hear shouts of joy too much anymore.. especially where joy should be shouted.
This is like our Lenten season. God is coming to save! We're excited. We're getting ready. We're putting on new clothes. We're getting ourselves cleaned and ready.. and so we take the time to repent, to shed our lives of the things that do not honor God and to live our lives as if we were living in the kingdom of God..
And hopefully on Easter Sunday we'll be able to lift up shouts of joy, not because we get to text again, or eat our favorite foods - but because we have a dependable, powerful Savior!
Shout, shout for joy! For the LORD has saved us!
verse 6: "Yes, it is I"
Can you imagine God saying "Yes, it is I" and people are running to the city carrying a message of hope and salvation? "He's coming. He's coming!" The watchmen are excited. They're shouting shouts of joy!
It's kind of like the Olympics! Those are shouts of joy! We don't hear shouts of joy too much anymore.. especially where joy should be shouted.
This is like our Lenten season. God is coming to save! We're excited. We're getting ready. We're putting on new clothes. We're getting ourselves cleaned and ready.. and so we take the time to repent, to shed our lives of the things that do not honor God and to live our lives as if we were living in the kingdom of God..
And hopefully on Easter Sunday we'll be able to lift up shouts of joy, not because we get to text again, or eat our favorite foods - but because we have a dependable, powerful Savior!
Shout, shout for joy! For the LORD has saved us!
Feb 26, 2010
Winter Retreat 2010 Survey - Everyone, please complete
Click here to take survey
Please click on the above link to complete the Winter Retreat survey even if you did NOT attend the retreat. This will help us to hear your thoughts and work harder to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ!
Please click on the above link to complete the Winter Retreat survey even if you did NOT attend the retreat. This will help us to hear your thoughts and work harder to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ!
February 26 - Isaiah 51
Don't fear people.. fear God. Because God is better.
This message is to the people who "pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD" (v. 1).
God has made a whole nation from an old couple who were beyond childbearing years.
Verses 1-2 we see some sort of parallel metaphor..to prove a point...
rock is to quarry as Abraham is to Sarah...
rock:quarry.. Abraham: Sarah..
The point is that the God who allowed a son to be born of an old couple like Abraham and Sarah.. not just one son.. but descendants that are as numerous as the stars.
God will never fail to save us and He will never let us down.. (v. 6)
Why do you fear people's reproach (criticisms, accusations, when they make fun of you..) but not God's?
Don't be afraid of the things they say (v.7)
because they're like grass (v. 12).. they grow, wither and fade away and so will their words...
But God's words will last forever..
People say mean things sometimes.. Or, they make fun of us and we try so hard to make sure they never make fun of us again. We care so much about what people say. Yet, their words are not forever. Only God's words are forever.
May we be people who pursue righteousness and seek the LORD. May God vindicate us - when people insult us. And, may we act in wisdom and honor that God may vindicate us. That when all things are revealed, that we may stand righteous.. by the transforming and cleansing power of His blood.
This message is to the people who "pursue righteousness and who seek the LORD" (v. 1).
God has made a whole nation from an old couple who were beyond childbearing years.
Verses 1-2 we see some sort of parallel metaphor..to prove a point...
rock is to quarry as Abraham is to Sarah...
rock:quarry.. Abraham: Sarah..
The point is that the God who allowed a son to be born of an old couple like Abraham and Sarah.. not just one son.. but descendants that are as numerous as the stars.
God will never fail to save us and He will never let us down.. (v. 6)
Why do you fear people's reproach (criticisms, accusations, when they make fun of you..) but not God's?
Don't be afraid of the things they say (v.7)
because they're like grass (v. 12).. they grow, wither and fade away and so will their words...
But God's words will last forever..
People say mean things sometimes.. Or, they make fun of us and we try so hard to make sure they never make fun of us again. We care so much about what people say. Yet, their words are not forever. Only God's words are forever.
May we be people who pursue righteousness and seek the LORD. May God vindicate us - when people insult us. And, may we act in wisdom and honor that God may vindicate us. That when all things are revealed, that we may stand righteous.. by the transforming and cleansing power of His blood.
Feb 25, 2010
February 25 - Isaiah 50
You can divide this chapter into three sections.
vv. 1-3 The awesomeness of God
vv. 4-9 Isaiah's defense in the midst of suffering
vv. 10-11 to the people
Is God's arm too short to save us? Is He unable to save us? Nope. By a mere word he can dry up the sea.. He is definitely not too weak to save.
Has God placed you in a difficult situation? You don't like your teacher, your friends, ooh.. and even your parents.. your pastor... What's your complaint?
Well.. Isaiah should've had some complaints since he's following everything God told him to do and all he's getting for it is suffering. How would you like your life if your job was to tell people to stop living in luxury, to give up their fancy cars, no more parties, repent -- and give to the poor? Well, ultimately it was so that they could enjoy the joy of being protected by the Creator God.
And this is what Isaiah says.. God will vindicate.
If the God you are obeying and trusting is the one who can dry up the seas with just one word then most likely your life is under control too. He put you in that situation for a purpose.. so instead of protesting your situation - TRUST GOD. Do right before God. Act honorably in everything.. because as Isaiah said - God will vindicate (v.8).
No more complaining. Trust God. There is a reason.
I was looking for "There is a Reason" by Vineyard (John Barnett) but found this instead.
vv. 1-3 The awesomeness of God
vv. 4-9 Isaiah's defense in the midst of suffering
vv. 10-11 to the people
Is God's arm too short to save us? Is He unable to save us? Nope. By a mere word he can dry up the sea.. He is definitely not too weak to save.
Has God placed you in a difficult situation? You don't like your teacher, your friends, ooh.. and even your parents.. your pastor... What's your complaint?
Well.. Isaiah should've had some complaints since he's following everything God told him to do and all he's getting for it is suffering. How would you like your life if your job was to tell people to stop living in luxury, to give up their fancy cars, no more parties, repent -- and give to the poor? Well, ultimately it was so that they could enjoy the joy of being protected by the Creator God.
And this is what Isaiah says.. God will vindicate.
If the God you are obeying and trusting is the one who can dry up the seas with just one word then most likely your life is under control too. He put you in that situation for a purpose.. so instead of protesting your situation - TRUST GOD. Do right before God. Act honorably in everything.. because as Isaiah said - God will vindicate (v.8).
No more complaining. Trust God. There is a reason.
I was looking for "There is a Reason" by Vineyard (John Barnett) but found this instead.
Feb 24, 2010
February 24 - Isaiah 49
"See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands.." (Isaiah 49:16)
Can you hear the heart of God?
You might say to yourself or even your friends might say -- God has forgotten me and abandoned you..
"But Zion said, 'The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.'"
But God says this:
Can a mother forget her baby? No way.. I've engraved you on the palms of my hands. I will never leave you nor forsake you...
What do you say to that?
What an awesome God!
Can you hear the heart of God?
You might say to yourself or even your friends might say -- God has forgotten me and abandoned you..
"But Zion said, 'The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me.'"
But God says this:
Can a mother forget her baby? No way.. I've engraved you on the palms of my hands. I will never leave you nor forsake you...
What do you say to that?
What an awesome God!
Feb 23, 2010
February 23 - Isaiah 48
Our God is an Awesome God...The Mighty God..
I had to read this in the Message translation because I think it carries the tone better.. He's basically saying, "Dude. I'm God - don't you get it?"
God has told these stubborn people what he's going to do.. then he does it. They should be like "wow" God is great! but nope.. they totally are not impressed. But, they are impressed by magicians and fortune tellers and wooden statues.. What is wrong with them?
We get previews (commercials), posters, youtube videos of things that are about to happen. People go crazy for album release dates, movie release dates.. like remember when Avatar was about to come out? Everyone was talking about it.. and when it did, everyone was talking about it even more. This is exactly what God is talking about in vv. 5-6. God gives you a preview of things to come and it happens.. great, big things-- destruction of cities, geesh God parted a huge lake.. and we're like.. bleh.
So, God is like - let's give it another try.. Something is going to happen in 200.. yes two-hundred years! This guy Cyrus (mentioned in 44:28) is going to be the instrument to release the Israelites (Look at Ezra 1). They're not even taken captive yet... and they're already hearing about their release.
What more does GOD need to do to prove His God-ness? When will we give more attention and talk about God than some movie or some ta-lent (korean star)..
I had to read this in the Message translation because I think it carries the tone better.. He's basically saying, "Dude. I'm God - don't you get it?"
God has told these stubborn people what he's going to do.. then he does it. They should be like "wow" God is great! but nope.. they totally are not impressed. But, they are impressed by magicians and fortune tellers and wooden statues.. What is wrong with them?
We get previews (commercials), posters, youtube videos of things that are about to happen. People go crazy for album release dates, movie release dates.. like remember when Avatar was about to come out? Everyone was talking about it.. and when it did, everyone was talking about it even more. This is exactly what God is talking about in vv. 5-6. God gives you a preview of things to come and it happens.. great, big things-- destruction of cities, geesh God parted a huge lake.. and we're like.. bleh.
So, God is like - let's give it another try.. Something is going to happen in 200.. yes two-hundred years! This guy Cyrus (mentioned in 44:28) is going to be the instrument to release the Israelites (Look at Ezra 1). They're not even taken captive yet... and they're already hearing about their release.
What more does GOD need to do to prove His God-ness? When will we give more attention and talk about God than some movie or some ta-lent (korean star)..
Feb 22, 2010
February 22 - Isaiah 47
a woman is used as a metaphor for the city. No longer will this city be a city of blinding lights, fun, luxury... hmm.. something like NYC?
from http://www.nyc.gov/html/unccp/scp/html/sc/main.shtml
There will come an end to the glitz and glamour of living the life the way you want to live it. You calling the shots. You being your own god or making up your gods and so making up the rules you will live by..
We can say to ourselves (especially in the safety and security of our lives) that nothing can happen to us:
"I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children." (v. 8b)
It can never happen to me.. it can happen to everyone else but me.
Well, it can. Who will save you?
Our Redeemer - the LORD Almighty is his name - is the Holy One of Israel.
Do you believe it?

There will come an end to the glitz and glamour of living the life the way you want to live it. You calling the shots. You being your own god or making up your gods and so making up the rules you will live by..
We can say to ourselves (especially in the safety and security of our lives) that nothing can happen to us:
"I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children." (v. 8b)
It can never happen to me.. it can happen to everyone else but me.
Well, it can. Who will save you?
Our Redeemer - the LORD Almighty is his name - is the Holy One of Israel.
Do you believe it?
Feb 21, 2010
February 21 - Isaiah 46
God says to us..
Listen to me, you, yes you -- the ones I created with my very hands..
Why do you put all of your time, money into your idols?
Can these idols give you love, talk back to you, answer your questions?
If you put idols like money on the table - can it move itself?
Remember this.. you who continue to live like you know better than God..
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
Open our eyes Lord to the idols in our lives that keep our hearts divided. Break these idols in our lives so that we may be fully, wholly devoted to You.
Listen to me, you, yes you -- the ones I created with my very hands..
Why do you put all of your time, money into your idols?
Can these idols give you love, talk back to you, answer your questions?
If you put idols like money on the table - can it move itself?
Remember this.. you who continue to live like you know better than God..
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
I am God and there is no other...
Open our eyes Lord to the idols in our lives that keep our hearts divided. Break these idols in our lives so that we may be fully, wholly devoted to You.
Feb 20, 2010
February 20 - Isaiah 45
There is no God apart from him...
Who would give you treasures, go before you and pave the way so that you can walk on level, smooth ground, call you by name, give you a title of honor even though you will not acknowledge him? (vv.2-5)
Yes, God.
Who will never let you be put to shame and will save you no matter what? (v. 17)
Yes, God.
Who created the heavens and the earth - so that it can be filled and inhabited by people?
Yes, God.
He did this all for you and so much more...
What would you say to God like this?
Who would give you treasures, go before you and pave the way so that you can walk on level, smooth ground, call you by name, give you a title of honor even though you will not acknowledge him? (vv.2-5)
Yes, God.
Who will never let you be put to shame and will save you no matter what? (v. 17)
Yes, God.
Who created the heavens and the earth - so that it can be filled and inhabited by people?
Yes, God.
He did this all for you and so much more...
What would you say to God like this?
Feb 19, 2010
February 19 - Isaiah 44
God says this loud and clear.. Apart from me, there is no GOD.
And it is quite ridiculous how you worship idols.. that are formed with hammers. You work so hard for these idols - you lose strength over it, you forget to eat (v. 13)
You work so hard for it so that you can put it in a shrine.. to just look at (v. 13)
And with the wood or any material you make these idols - the other half you throw in the fire to keep yourself warm... really it's just any piece of wood, isn't it? (v. 14-15)
Yet, after you're done making this idol of yours, putting your blood, sweat and tears into it -- you pray to it and say:
"Save me; you are my god."
So.. you know nothing, understand nothing... (v. 18)
"No one stops to think.." wait a minute -- i used half of the wood to burn up to keep warm and I'm worshipping this same piece of wood???
Today our idols may not be a wooden figure.. It can be a trophy. It can be money..
It's the stuff you lose sleep over, stay hungry over, get tired over...
Have you lost sleep over, been hungry for, worked with blood sweat and tears for God?
This lenten season, may we stop and think about the idols in our lives... what we get so worked up over? And, let's get worked up for God!
God says this loud and clear.. Apart from me, there is no GOD.
And it is quite ridiculous how you worship idols.. that are formed with hammers. You work so hard for these idols - you lose strength over it, you forget to eat (v. 13)
You work so hard for it so that you can put it in a shrine.. to just look at (v. 13)
And with the wood or any material you make these idols - the other half you throw in the fire to keep yourself warm... really it's just any piece of wood, isn't it? (v. 14-15)
Yet, after you're done making this idol of yours, putting your blood, sweat and tears into it -- you pray to it and say:
"Save me; you are my god."
So.. you know nothing, understand nothing... (v. 18)
"No one stops to think.." wait a minute -- i used half of the wood to burn up to keep warm and I'm worshipping this same piece of wood???
Today our idols may not be a wooden figure.. It can be a trophy. It can be money..
It's the stuff you lose sleep over, stay hungry over, get tired over...
Have you lost sleep over, been hungry for, worked with blood sweat and tears for God?
This lenten season, may we stop and think about the idols in our lives... what we get so worked up over? And, let's get worked up for God!
Feb 18, 2010
February 18 - Isaiah 43
I AM your Savior!
Can you imagine God as the mighty warrior (perhaps the dude in 300 the movie) declaring with an awesome voice - "I Am your Savior"? Pretty crazy, huh?
Well, that's exactly what is going on here. God is Our Redeemer... and how timely of a message is this as we begin the season of Lent (first day was yesterday -Ash Wednesday).
v. 4 "Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give men in exchange for you, and people in exchange for your life."
How much more precious can you get???
v. 11 "I, even I, am the LORD, and apart from me there is no savior."
v. 18-19 "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."
God works in so many amazing ways - ways we cannot even understand. Sometimes he works in ways we don't expect.. Forget about how God has done it in the past or how things should work.. God does things his own way and in a new way
v. 21 "the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise"
If you ever question why you were created.. here is the answer!
v. 25-26 God blots out our sins... try to state your case.. are you innocent? really?
As we enter into the lenten season (which really just means spring).. let us remember our Savior who blots out our sins when we are not innocent.
Let us come humbly before our God and enter into 40 days of deep humble meditation, contemplation, thanksgiving and sacrifice.
What will you fast during this season of Lent?
Feb 17, 2010
February 17 - Isaiah 42
Response to yesterday's comments: Idols are not just the objects in our lives. They are the very powers that control our lives. Remember, God is a jealous God. He does not want us to trust anything or anyone else but Him. Today's passage 42:7 speaks of "trusting" in idols. Do we live for these idols? Do we live for money? or beauty? or success? these are all idols. Such idols should never control our lives but rather we should submit to the one true God in obedience and really -- trust.
As you finish Isaiah 42 - hopefully you can sense that this chapter is not quite over and should continue through 43:7.. If you have trouble understanding this chapter you can try reading
The Message translation here:
In summary - the LORD, the Creator of everything and all of us has called us to be in relationship with him. Not religion. He is not our genie, our lucky charm.. but our Father God. He wants to lead us and direct us in a relationship.. even if that means that God will hand over his own people to his enemies because they deserved it (42:24).
We always think of the world as good and bad.. bad things means satan and good things means God.. as if Satan has anything on God. As if Satan is a worthy opponent. It's not a game. It's not a religion.. It's a relationship. Sometimes a bad thing is a part of the relationship and so are good things but the point is to keep the relationship. Talk to him, trust Him. spend time with him...
How is your relationship with God? Not your religion (something you just fall back on just in case).
God desires your time, your heart, your trust. Would you give it to him?
As you finish Isaiah 42 - hopefully you can sense that this chapter is not quite over and should continue through 43:7.. If you have trouble understanding this chapter you can try reading
The Message translation here:
In summary - the LORD, the Creator of everything and all of us has called us to be in relationship with him. Not religion. He is not our genie, our lucky charm.. but our Father God. He wants to lead us and direct us in a relationship.. even if that means that God will hand over his own people to his enemies because they deserved it (42:24).
We always think of the world as good and bad.. bad things means satan and good things means God.. as if Satan has anything on God. As if Satan is a worthy opponent. It's not a game. It's not a religion.. It's a relationship. Sometimes a bad thing is a part of the relationship and so are good things but the point is to keep the relationship. Talk to him, trust Him. spend time with him...
How is your relationship with God? Not your religion (something you just fall back on just in case).
God desires your time, your heart, your trust. Would you give it to him?
Feb 16, 2010
February 16 - Isaiah 41
"Present your case!" (v. 21)
This chapter resembles a court where each side is to present their case? For what?
Who is God?
But the idols have nothing to say for they are made of gold or wood or silver..
v. 24 "But you are less than nothing and your works are utterly worthless.."
the idols can't speak forth anything.. no prophecies, no words, no warnings, nothing. (v. 26)
Bottom line. God is GOD and no one else or in this case, nothing else.
Because God is protecting us when we trust Him - we have nothing to fear. God is in control. Thus, nothing else, not any idol should be controlling your life.
Do we give in to the power of the idols in our lives? Do we allow things to influence us more than God? The God of money, of power, of good looks?
This chapter resembles a court where each side is to present their case? For what?
Who is God?
But the idols have nothing to say for they are made of gold or wood or silver..
v. 24 "But you are less than nothing and your works are utterly worthless.."
the idols can't speak forth anything.. no prophecies, no words, no warnings, nothing. (v. 26)
Bottom line. God is GOD and no one else or in this case, nothing else.
Because God is protecting us when we trust Him - we have nothing to fear. God is in control. Thus, nothing else, not any idol should be controlling your life.
Do we give in to the power of the idols in our lives? Do we allow things to influence us more than God? The God of money, of power, of good looks?
Feb 15, 2010
February 15 - Isaiah 40
v. 8 "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
v. 28 "Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom."
The LORD our God is MIGHTY.
v. 28 "Do you not know? Have you not heard?
The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom."
The LORD our God is MIGHTY.
Feb 14, 2010
February 14 - Isaiah 39
Merodach-Baladan was a very powerful person from a very powerful Babylon. Of course, Hezekiah, king of small little Judah would be impressed that this VIP would come bearing gifts. Remember, Babylon is the nation that will bring down Judah once and for all...
King Hezekiah had a great opportunity to give glory to God, give God credit for saving this kingdom.. intead - he did what anyone would do to impress a big person. He showed off everything in his palace and didn't give credit to the One who gave it to him in the first place.
Sometimes it's easier to trust God when we're having a bad day than when we're having a good one. We tend to forget about God when everything is going well.. and this is what King Hezekiah did.
What can you do to trust God in all things, good and bad?
King Hezekiah had a great opportunity to give glory to God, give God credit for saving this kingdom.. intead - he did what anyone would do to impress a big person. He showed off everything in his palace and didn't give credit to the One who gave it to him in the first place.
Sometimes it's easier to trust God when we're having a bad day than when we're having a good one. We tend to forget about God when everything is going well.. and this is what King Hezekiah did.
What can you do to trust God in all things, good and bad?
Feb 13, 2010
February 13 - Isaiah 38
Hezekiah was only 39 years old when he was on his death bed. Yet, Hezekiah prays an audacious prayer.
"Hezekiah turned away from Isaiah and, facing the wall, prayed to God: "God, please, I beg you: Remember how I've lived my life. I've lived faithfully in your presence, lived out of a heart that was totally yours. You've seen how I've lived, the good that I have done." And Hezekiah wept as he prayed—painful tears. " (Isaiah 38:2-3, The Message)
And God answers this prayer and adds fifteen years to Hezekiah's life and heals him.
What does a life lived in faithfulness look like? Hezekiah trusted in God (Isaiah 37) even when the powerful nation of Assyria was making fun of his trusting in God especially when most of the kingdom was captured by the Assyrians.. And again, even in his sickness - he is able to see God's faithful and good hand. Hezekiah sees that even this hardship was an opportunity for his faith to grow.
"It seems it was good for me
to go through all those troubles.
Throughout them all you held tight to my lifeline.
You never let me tumble over the edge into nothing.
But my sins you let go of,
threw them over your shoulder—good riddance!" (Isaiah 38:17, The Message)
Why do you think Hezekiah trusted God?
How can we trust God like Hezekiah trusted God?
"Hezekiah turned away from Isaiah and, facing the wall, prayed to God: "God, please, I beg you: Remember how I've lived my life. I've lived faithfully in your presence, lived out of a heart that was totally yours. You've seen how I've lived, the good that I have done." And Hezekiah wept as he prayed—painful tears. " (Isaiah 38:2-3, The Message)
And God answers this prayer and adds fifteen years to Hezekiah's life and heals him.
What does a life lived in faithfulness look like? Hezekiah trusted in God (Isaiah 37) even when the powerful nation of Assyria was making fun of his trusting in God especially when most of the kingdom was captured by the Assyrians.. And again, even in his sickness - he is able to see God's faithful and good hand. Hezekiah sees that even this hardship was an opportunity for his faith to grow.
"It seems it was good for me
to go through all those troubles.
Throughout them all you held tight to my lifeline.
You never let me tumble over the edge into nothing.
But my sins you let go of,
threw them over your shoulder—good riddance!" (Isaiah 38:17, The Message)
Why do you think Hezekiah trusted God?
How can we trust God like Hezekiah trusted God?
Feb 12, 2010
February 12 - Isaiah 37
How dare the Assyrian king mock our God? Yes, he did destroy the nations that trusted in their gods.. but how dare he insult our God...
This is probably how King Hezekiah felt as he lifted up a prayer to God. Yes, Judah was pretty weak and there was not much Judah could do for themselves.
God is not an idol made by hands. God is not some made-up fairy tale. And, Hezekiah knows this.
Do you?
Do you know how powerful and mighty our God is?
Do you know that when you cry out to Him, when you pray to Him - He hears you?
And, see what God has done.. he sends an angel of the LORD to wipe out 185,000 men.. talk about God's supernatural work!
What a mighty God we serve!
He hears the prayers of the righteous
the prayers of those who trust in Him despite the mockery
He answers them and truly takes care of us!
What a mighty God we serve!
This is probably how King Hezekiah felt as he lifted up a prayer to God. Yes, Judah was pretty weak and there was not much Judah could do for themselves.
God is not an idol made by hands. God is not some made-up fairy tale. And, Hezekiah knows this.
Do you?
Do you know how powerful and mighty our God is?
Do you know that when you cry out to Him, when you pray to Him - He hears you?
And, see what God has done.. he sends an angel of the LORD to wipe out 185,000 men.. talk about God's supernatural work!
What a mighty God we serve!
He hears the prayers of the righteous
the prayers of those who trust in Him despite the mockery
He answers them and truly takes care of us!
What a mighty God we serve!
Feb 11, 2010
February 11 - Isaiah 36
According to one scholar, all of this redundancy comes to a climax in chapters 36-39. Yes, there is a point to all of this repetition, saying the same argument in a million different ways.
Now, at this point - all of the fortified cities (cities with fort-like protection) except Lachish and Jerusalem are taken by the Assyrians. With only two cities left to destroy, the Field Commander (who is the third highest-ranking officer in the Assyrian army) comes to King Hezekiah (He was one of the few good kings of Judah).
Why does he come to King Hezekiah? Well, to berate, criticize, demoralize, frighten, make fun of.. take your pick. Judah's weak and he's making fun of them for leaning on Egypt..and even moreso for depending on the LORD (the very LORD that supposedly told Assyria to attack Judah) -- maybe they heard Isaiah's prophecies..
v. 8 -- Even if Assyria gave Judah 2,000 horses - they don't even have riders to ride them - yes, he is mocking Judah.
King Hezekiah wants to trust in God and this officer is trying to dissuade the people.. (v. 14)
Trusting is hard enough... what about trusting in the midst of opposition. How would you feel if all of your cities were taken except two.. you're literally hanging by a thread.. it seems God has let you down but you still need to trust him? Wow..that's huge.
Well, that's the point. Trusting is a big deal. It's not that simple of an idea and it's not that easy to do.. If you do the calculations and try to figure out what is best... then, it seems easiest to surrender to Assyria and just go along with them, especially when you've suffered so much.. but trusting in God is not conditional. It's a firm, steadfast trust in God.
And, why should you trust in God? Because God never failed us and never will forsake us.
What's a few hours, a few months or a few years of people making fun of you compared to an eternity with God?
Now, at this point - all of the fortified cities (cities with fort-like protection) except Lachish and Jerusalem are taken by the Assyrians. With only two cities left to destroy, the Field Commander (who is the third highest-ranking officer in the Assyrian army) comes to King Hezekiah (He was one of the few good kings of Judah).
Why does he come to King Hezekiah? Well, to berate, criticize, demoralize, frighten, make fun of.. take your pick. Judah's weak and he's making fun of them for leaning on Egypt..and even moreso for depending on the LORD (the very LORD that supposedly told Assyria to attack Judah) -- maybe they heard Isaiah's prophecies..
v. 8 -- Even if Assyria gave Judah 2,000 horses - they don't even have riders to ride them - yes, he is mocking Judah.
King Hezekiah wants to trust in God and this officer is trying to dissuade the people.. (v. 14)
Trusting is hard enough... what about trusting in the midst of opposition. How would you feel if all of your cities were taken except two.. you're literally hanging by a thread.. it seems God has let you down but you still need to trust him? Wow..that's huge.
Well, that's the point. Trusting is a big deal. It's not that simple of an idea and it's not that easy to do.. If you do the calculations and try to figure out what is best... then, it seems easiest to surrender to Assyria and just go along with them, especially when you've suffered so much.. but trusting in God is not conditional. It's a firm, steadfast trust in God.
And, why should you trust in God? Because God never failed us and never will forsake us.
What's a few hours, a few months or a few years of people making fun of you compared to an eternity with God?
Feb 10, 2010
February 10 - Isaiah 35
So, all this talk of destruction and judgment.. but what about the people that remained faithful. well, here it is - finally.
God will make a way - like a highway that is going in one direction. No side streets, no distractions.. just a highway to the one place you need to go to.. towards God. This is not Success Drive or Foolish Way or Sinners Court.. This is Heavenly Court or Holy Way.. you get what I mean.
There are so many images of redemption --
desert and parched land -- will be GLAD
wilderness - REJOICE
[these words just do not belong together -- but that's God's redeeming work]
Feeble hands will be STRENGTHENED
knees that give way/shake/can't stand - will be STEADY
fearful hearts - STRONG
God will come to judge.
But, more importantly - God will come to save us. There is something to look forward to and it WILL be worth it in the end. All the years of your friends, your family calling you a fool for following some religion - giving your time, your money.. all of this - will be worth it.
because one day - "everlasting joy will crown their heads"
Can you imagine it? Everlasting joy? A joy that can never end?
Take it all in.. because one day we're going to get there.
A song based on this chapter...another oldie but a goodie.
God will make a way - like a highway that is going in one direction. No side streets, no distractions.. just a highway to the one place you need to go to.. towards God. This is not Success Drive or Foolish Way or Sinners Court.. This is Heavenly Court or Holy Way.. you get what I mean.
There are so many images of redemption --
desert and parched land -- will be GLAD
wilderness - REJOICE
[these words just do not belong together -- but that's God's redeeming work]
Feeble hands will be STRENGTHENED
knees that give way/shake/can't stand - will be STEADY
fearful hearts - STRONG
God will come to judge.
But, more importantly - God will come to save us. There is something to look forward to and it WILL be worth it in the end. All the years of your friends, your family calling you a fool for following some religion - giving your time, your money.. all of this - will be worth it.
because one day - "everlasting joy will crown their heads"
Can you imagine it? Everlasting joy? A joy that can never end?
Take it all in.. because one day we're going to get there.
A song based on this chapter...another oldie but a goodie.
Feb 9, 2010
February 9 - Isaiah 34
What a bloody passage..
"The sword of the LORD is bathed in blood...the blood of lambs and goats..." (v. 6)
These words conjure up images of sacrifice, the kind made on behalf of sins.. but also, sacrifice and destruction are the result of our sins. The word "retribution" really stood out. (Look it up)
Our sins deserve this type of punishment - our sins deserve this kind of bloodshed. Yet, we have been given the gift of the blood of Jesus being shed for our sins. He was punished on behalf of us... All of these (yes, Katie) REDUNDANT messages do have a point. Trust God - no destruction. No Trust, Destruction. Pretty easy idea but for some reason we can't get it through our little minds...
The song we sang on Friday and Sunday -- "Nothing But the Blood"...speaks to this very true fact. We deserved this bloodshed.. This was retribution.. the right punishment for us.. We deserve to be punished. YET, Jesus takes upon himself this punishment for us. Sometimes it's hard to realize how big a task this is because we don't really get the punishment that was really in store for us. This is God's love.. that while we were still sinners He still loved us.
Below are three versions of this idea of the blood.. and many more "blood-y" worship songs :) Because His blood is just THAT IMPORTANT.
Praise God for His blood.
We Thank You for Your blood.
The classic hymn coupled with a Third Day classic
"The sword of the LORD is bathed in blood...the blood of lambs and goats..." (v. 6)
These words conjure up images of sacrifice, the kind made on behalf of sins.. but also, sacrifice and destruction are the result of our sins. The word "retribution" really stood out. (Look it up)
Our sins deserve this type of punishment - our sins deserve this kind of bloodshed. Yet, we have been given the gift of the blood of Jesus being shed for our sins. He was punished on behalf of us... All of these (yes, Katie) REDUNDANT messages do have a point. Trust God - no destruction. No Trust, Destruction. Pretty easy idea but for some reason we can't get it through our little minds...
The song we sang on Friday and Sunday -- "Nothing But the Blood"...speaks to this very true fact. We deserved this bloodshed.. This was retribution.. the right punishment for us.. We deserve to be punished. YET, Jesus takes upon himself this punishment for us. Sometimes it's hard to realize how big a task this is because we don't really get the punishment that was really in store for us. This is God's love.. that while we were still sinners He still loved us.
Below are three versions of this idea of the blood.. and many more "blood-y" worship songs :) Because His blood is just THAT IMPORTANT.
Praise God for His blood.
We Thank You for Your blood.
The classic hymn coupled with a Third Day classic
Feb 8, 2010
February 8 - Isaiah 33
Obedience sounds like such a chore. It feels and sounds like a chore, another something to do on a checklist. Another rule to follow... And, maybe this is why it's so hard for these people and for us today to follow God. We just don't get it.
When we get it - we realize that God was right all along. That we don't need to go and try out so many other things, mess up and then come crawling back to God. And, sometimes some never come crawling back because we never want to admit that we were wrong.
Well, God is always ready to help and help us back on the life path that we were created for. And, this is exciting. we get to really really live.
vv. 15-16 "He who walks righteously and speaks what is right, who rejects gain from extortion, and keeps his hand from accepting bribes, who stops his ears against plots of murder and shuts his eyes against contemplating evil - this is the man who will dwell on th eheights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. His bread will be supplied, and water will not fail him."
It's like you can look around your school and see the people that "get it" -- they've figured out how to do this school thing (the study, the friends, all of it) -- and then there are people that just seem lost.
Now, take that to the next level -- there are some that really get it about life.. and a lot of people that are still trying to figure it out...
below is an old song that came to mind as I was meditating on this passage...
When we get it - we realize that God was right all along. That we don't need to go and try out so many other things, mess up and then come crawling back to God. And, sometimes some never come crawling back because we never want to admit that we were wrong.
Well, God is always ready to help and help us back on the life path that we were created for. And, this is exciting. we get to really really live.
vv. 15-16 "He who walks righteously and speaks what is right, who rejects gain from extortion, and keeps his hand from accepting bribes, who stops his ears against plots of murder and shuts his eyes against contemplating evil - this is the man who will dwell on th eheights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. His bread will be supplied, and water will not fail him."
It's like you can look around your school and see the people that "get it" -- they've figured out how to do this school thing (the study, the friends, all of it) -- and then there are people that just seem lost.
Now, take that to the next level -- there are some that really get it about life.. and a lot of people that are still trying to figure it out...
below is an old song that came to mind as I was meditating on this passage...
Prayer and Fasting Chart
Click on below image to see.

Fast and Prayer
May we humble ourselves during this week as we come before God knowing that we need God’s help and power.
I will fast on _________________________
Sunday: Preparation – for retreat preparation
Monday: Repentance – that this retreat would be a time of turning back to God
Tuesday: Awesome God- that we would come to know the awesomeness of God
Wednesday: Yearning – that we would yearn and hunger for God. Our desire would grow
Thursday: Exalt – that God would be exalted and lifted up among us.
Friday: Revival – our church would experience revival

Fast and Prayer
May we humble ourselves during this week as we come before God knowing that we need God’s help and power.
I will fast on _________________________
Sunday: Preparation – for retreat preparation
Monday: Repentance – that this retreat would be a time of turning back to God
Tuesday: Awesome God- that we would come to know the awesomeness of God
Wednesday: Yearning – that we would yearn and hunger for God. Our desire would grow
Thursday: Exalt – that God would be exalted and lifted up among us.
Friday: Revival – our church would experience revival
Feb 7, 2010
February 7 - Isaiah 32
A True Leader...
-reigns in righteousness
-rules with justice
-noble..makes noble plans and does noble deeds
The fool...
-speaks folly
-busy with evil
-practices ungodliness
-destroys the poor with lies
Which would you rather be? Why?
32:9-20 Again, the theme of trust and security. Where will you find your security? In people, in things or in God.. because God gives us this promise:
"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." (Isaiah 32:18)
What is God saying to you today?
-reigns in righteousness
-rules with justice
-noble..makes noble plans and does noble deeds
The fool...
-speaks folly
-busy with evil
-practices ungodliness
-destroys the poor with lies
Which would you rather be? Why?
32:9-20 Again, the theme of trust and security. Where will you find your security? In people, in things or in God.. because God gives us this promise:
"My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest." (Isaiah 32:18)
What is God saying to you today?
Feb 6, 2010
February 6 - Isaiah 31
Whom do you trust?
It seems this is the big question of Isaiah. Whom do you trust?
Israel looked at the powerful Egyptians with their strong and beautiful horses and their skilled soldiers. As a parallel, what catches our attention, causes our jaws to drop? What impresses you?
It is a sad truth that God may not seems as impressive as other things... like nice things, a nice career, nice grades.. things that make you say -- "wow"..
God can do even more magnificent things.
How can we stand in awe of God and say "Wow!"?
Why are we impressed by shiny things or beautiful landscapes but not impressed by the very One who created everything and us?
It seems this is the big question of Isaiah. Whom do you trust?
Israel looked at the powerful Egyptians with their strong and beautiful horses and their skilled soldiers. As a parallel, what catches our attention, causes our jaws to drop? What impresses you?
It is a sad truth that God may not seems as impressive as other things... like nice things, a nice career, nice grades.. things that make you say -- "wow"..
God can do even more magnificent things.
How can we stand in awe of God and say "Wow!"?
Why are we impressed by shiny things or beautiful landscapes but not impressed by the very One who created everything and us?
Feb 5, 2010
February 5 - Isaiah 30
NIV titles this section "Woe to the Obstinate Nation"
Look up "obstinate" if you don't know what it means.
Places and Things
v. 4 Zoan (Zoe-Ann) - An ancient city in Egypt that existed even during the time of Abraham, one of the royal cities of northern Egypt; powerful city where Israel was enslaved
Hanes (pronounced "HAY-NEEZ") a place in Egypt visited by the ambassadors of the Pharaoh
v. 6 Negev - dry, parched land; wilderness; Isaiah describes the Negev as a "land of trouble and anguish, hardship and distress - a badland populated by lions and poisonous snakes" (Is. 30:6)
vv. 1-7 Egypt can't do anything for you
vv. 8-18 "children unwilling to listen to the LORD's instruction." (v. 9) People don't want to hear what God has to say. They only want the prophets to say "pleasant things" to them (v. 10).
So, God has a response v. 12f
It is their own sins that have brought them suffering. They will suffer he consequences of their own sin and rejection of God's Word.
vv. 19-33 But here is God's amazing heart -- his ultimate purpose.. not that the people suffer but that God may love them. That in repentance they will find salvation, that more than scurrying to find help by making an alliance with Egypt- in quietness and trust -- you will find strength in God.
God's heart for us is that we don't run around trying to figure out things on our own. He is our hero, our rescuer, our Savior. Verses 15-16 were used for a song called "Song for the Bride" -- This is God's message for us...
Can we come in quietness and trust to God to find rest in His arms? Trust. Peace.
Try to listen to the song while reading the chapter again.. Seek to know God's heart for you.
Look up "obstinate" if you don't know what it means.
Places and Things
v. 4 Zoan (Zoe-Ann) - An ancient city in Egypt that existed even during the time of Abraham, one of the royal cities of northern Egypt; powerful city where Israel was enslaved
Hanes (pronounced "HAY-NEEZ") a place in Egypt visited by the ambassadors of the Pharaoh
v. 6 Negev - dry, parched land; wilderness; Isaiah describes the Negev as a "land of trouble and anguish, hardship and distress - a badland populated by lions and poisonous snakes" (Is. 30:6)
vv. 1-7 Egypt can't do anything for you
vv. 8-18 "children unwilling to listen to the LORD's instruction." (v. 9) People don't want to hear what God has to say. They only want the prophets to say "pleasant things" to them (v. 10).
So, God has a response v. 12f
It is their own sins that have brought them suffering. They will suffer he consequences of their own sin and rejection of God's Word.
vv. 19-33 But here is God's amazing heart -- his ultimate purpose.. not that the people suffer but that God may love them. That in repentance they will find salvation, that more than scurrying to find help by making an alliance with Egypt- in quietness and trust -- you will find strength in God.
God's heart for us is that we don't run around trying to figure out things on our own. He is our hero, our rescuer, our Savior. Verses 15-16 were used for a song called "Song for the Bride" -- This is God's message for us...
Can we come in quietness and trust to God to find rest in His arms? Trust. Peace.
Try to listen to the song while reading the chapter again.. Seek to know God's heart for you.
Feb 4, 2010
February 4 - Isaiah 29
Note on Bible Reading: The Word of God is God's present (today) message for you. Though you may not understand the full text, through the Holy Spirit - God will speak to you a specific message for you. More than getting caught up in trying to understand the text completely try to ask the following question.
What is God saying to me today?
Ariel - another name given to Jerusalem. means "altar hearth" may point to the fact that Jerusalem itself will become an altar of sacrifice
vv. 1-14 Faith and Trusting God has become a religion of practices and rituals. They have tried to "trick" God in giving dishonest worship.
v. 15 Not only that, they think they can hide their plans from God. "Who sees us? Who will know?"
Can the clay tell the potter what to do or hide from the potter?
All things will become revealed with God. Even though the courts were filled with lying witnesses that kept justice away from the innocent - a day will come when justice will be done.
What is God saying to you today?
What is God saying to me today?
Ariel - another name given to Jerusalem. means "altar hearth" may point to the fact that Jerusalem itself will become an altar of sacrifice
vv. 1-14 Faith and Trusting God has become a religion of practices and rituals. They have tried to "trick" God in giving dishonest worship.
v. 15 Not only that, they think they can hide their plans from God. "Who sees us? Who will know?"
Can the clay tell the potter what to do or hide from the potter?
All things will become revealed with God. Even though the courts were filled with lying witnesses that kept justice away from the innocent - a day will come when justice will be done.
What is God saying to you today?
Feb 3, 2010
February 3 - Isaiah 28
Response to yesterday's comments:
Especially with books of prophecy or poetry - don't focus too much on the metaphors.. but the bigger idea. The metaphors are trying to express a bigger idea.. I will try to clarify a few metaphors that are necessary.
-One of the main problems of the Israelites was that they felt that their salvation was secure because they were born into a Jewish family. But it isn't until this faith becomes their own by their own life, that this faith is theirs. So, being born into a Christian family doesn't mean much - except for the fact that your parents are passing down their faith to you. it is up to you to make a decision about it.
Notes on Isaiah 28:
-Ephraim: one of the main tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel. (Ephraim is the name of one of Joseph's sons). Ephraim is used to represent the whole northern kingdom. So when you read "Ephraim" - it basically means the whole northern kingdom.
-Part 1: vv. 1-6 "wreath" is exactly what you think it is but it is a wreath that is worn around your head like a crown. it was the crown of champions... like think of the statues of Grecian heroes.
Israel wears a fake "crown/wreath" and party like they're rock stars.
but God (v. 5) will wear a true crown/wreath...
-Part 2: vv. 7-13 Just because you're a religious leader doesn't mean you're any different. Even the priests and prophets were messed up. Remember, prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah were not liked by Israel or Judah. They were chased and eventually murdered because they spoke the very bad but true news.
-Part 3: vv. 14-22 Now prophet Isaiah turns his attention towards Jerusalem (southern kingdom) -- remember Isaiah is a prophet to the southern kingdom.
The fate of the northern kingdom is set. But the southern kingdom is not doing any better. They will end up like the north if they keep up their ways.
The "scoffers" or mockers were the leaders of Jerusalem who mocked the truth of their destructive ways. They thought they were invincible that Jerusalem would never fall. They mocked God's words... Stop telling us we're sinners.. We "do and do" and we follow "rule and rule" (v. 10)... It's not a religion. It's a trusting relationship with God... They didn't get it.
Stop making your own standards. God sets the standards.
Part 4: vv. 23-29 Now Isaiah uses the metaphor of an uneducated farmer. Even an uneducated farmer knows how to use which tools and how. He doesn't plow forever.. When he sows seeds, he doesn't mix them up.. he doesn't thresh a caraway seed with a sledge (which is small) so it would crush the seed to powder..
Bottom line - if an uneducated farmer gets how to do things the RIGHT way, why can't these religious leaders get it. They just like making up their own rules and doing whatever- however and whenever.
You can't make your own rules...
Today, we like to make our own rules. We like to get married the way we like, follow God the way we like.. it's all about me. We live in an "i" culture. iPod, iPad, ibook... iFaith.
Everything is about customizing to fit me. There isn't a righteous judge, a good standard and this is what God is.. God "makes justice the measuring line" (v. 17) and He is the precious cornerstone that keeps everything together. He is solid. He is just. He is right.
Why is it so hard to get that?
Why do we keep insisting that we know better than God?
Especially with books of prophecy or poetry - don't focus too much on the metaphors.. but the bigger idea. The metaphors are trying to express a bigger idea.. I will try to clarify a few metaphors that are necessary.
-One of the main problems of the Israelites was that they felt that their salvation was secure because they were born into a Jewish family. But it isn't until this faith becomes their own by their own life, that this faith is theirs. So, being born into a Christian family doesn't mean much - except for the fact that your parents are passing down their faith to you. it is up to you to make a decision about it.
Notes on Isaiah 28:
-Ephraim: one of the main tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel. (Ephraim is the name of one of Joseph's sons). Ephraim is used to represent the whole northern kingdom. So when you read "Ephraim" - it basically means the whole northern kingdom.
-Part 1: vv. 1-6 "wreath" is exactly what you think it is but it is a wreath that is worn around your head like a crown. it was the crown of champions... like think of the statues of Grecian heroes.
Israel wears a fake "crown/wreath" and party like they're rock stars.
but God (v. 5) will wear a true crown/wreath...
-Part 2: vv. 7-13 Just because you're a religious leader doesn't mean you're any different. Even the priests and prophets were messed up. Remember, prophet Isaiah and Jeremiah were not liked by Israel or Judah. They were chased and eventually murdered because they spoke the very bad but true news.
-Part 3: vv. 14-22 Now prophet Isaiah turns his attention towards Jerusalem (southern kingdom) -- remember Isaiah is a prophet to the southern kingdom.
The fate of the northern kingdom is set. But the southern kingdom is not doing any better. They will end up like the north if they keep up their ways.
The "scoffers" or mockers were the leaders of Jerusalem who mocked the truth of their destructive ways. They thought they were invincible that Jerusalem would never fall. They mocked God's words... Stop telling us we're sinners.. We "do and do" and we follow "rule and rule" (v. 10)... It's not a religion. It's a trusting relationship with God... They didn't get it.
Stop making your own standards. God sets the standards.
Part 4: vv. 23-29 Now Isaiah uses the metaphor of an uneducated farmer. Even an uneducated farmer knows how to use which tools and how. He doesn't plow forever.. When he sows seeds, he doesn't mix them up.. he doesn't thresh a caraway seed with a sledge (which is small) so it would crush the seed to powder..
Bottom line - if an uneducated farmer gets how to do things the RIGHT way, why can't these religious leaders get it. They just like making up their own rules and doing whatever- however and whenever.
You can't make your own rules...
Today, we like to make our own rules. We like to get married the way we like, follow God the way we like.. it's all about me. We live in an "i" culture. iPod, iPad, ibook... iFaith.
Everything is about customizing to fit me. There isn't a righteous judge, a good standard and this is what God is.. God "makes justice the measuring line" (v. 17) and He is the precious cornerstone that keeps everything together. He is solid. He is just. He is right.
Why is it so hard to get that?
Why do we keep insisting that we know better than God?
Feb 2, 2010
February 2 - Isaiah 27
An overview of Isaiah 24-27:
This section of Isaiah is sort of an intermission in Isaiah. If you peek at the heading for Isaiah 28 - the "woes" start again. This is what one scholar had to say about this section of praise.
"The first and second songs (chs. 24 and 25) declare universal judgment and universal salvation. In the third (ch. 26), the people proclaim their trust in God, but they also confess their inability to deliver themselves and fulfill their ministry in the world." Chapter 27 is a very personal song that "celebrates [God's] personal relationship with [his people] (Oswalt, 310).
vv. 7-9 speak of the fact that God has allowed his people to suffer so that their sins would be removed.
Now, God is ready to bless them, so much so that the whole world will be filled with God's people (v. 6)
Repentance and thus, Transformation
does not come easily. The beginning of Christian's life is the admission that he/she is a sinner. You admit that your life is a mess. Your 'house' is a mess and it needs to be torn down... Rebuilding needs to begin. You need a new life. But the tearing down process is definitely a hard one but it is necessary indeed.
Repentance, cleansing and transformation does not happen just once - it constantly happens as God purifies us and refines us.
Are you willing to give yourself so that God can "remodel" this temple of yours? That means tearing down and a painful rebuilding... But, great things are to come through this rather painful process.
This section of Isaiah is sort of an intermission in Isaiah. If you peek at the heading for Isaiah 28 - the "woes" start again. This is what one scholar had to say about this section of praise.
"The first and second songs (chs. 24 and 25) declare universal judgment and universal salvation. In the third (ch. 26), the people proclaim their trust in God, but they also confess their inability to deliver themselves and fulfill their ministry in the world." Chapter 27 is a very personal song that "celebrates [God's] personal relationship with [his people] (Oswalt, 310).
vv. 7-9 speak of the fact that God has allowed his people to suffer so that their sins would be removed.
Now, God is ready to bless them, so much so that the whole world will be filled with God's people (v. 6)
Repentance and thus, Transformation
does not come easily. The beginning of Christian's life is the admission that he/she is a sinner. You admit that your life is a mess. Your 'house' is a mess and it needs to be torn down... Rebuilding needs to begin. You need a new life. But the tearing down process is definitely a hard one but it is necessary indeed.
Repentance, cleansing and transformation does not happen just once - it constantly happens as God purifies us and refines us.
Are you willing to give yourself so that God can "remodel" this temple of yours? That means tearing down and a painful rebuilding... But, great things are to come through this rather painful process.
Feb 1, 2010
February 1 - Isaiah 26
To answer katie's question: God does take us through these journeys all the time. God doesn't punish because He wants to but the people need it so that they can be cleansed. It's like punishment is needed for us to learn our lesson. It shapes us and molds us into the image of God, the way we were supposed to be.
True Praise...
Do we ever talk like this? Just take a few minutes to just praise God. Not singing someone else's song of praise but our own.
Take some time today to write down your own song of praise and share below.
Trust in God forever for He is the Rock.
Even though the world will cease to exist in a while, God still remains
Trust in God
You are my Rock, You are forever...
You have created us
You have made our church
You have established this nation upon trust in You...
True Praise...
Do we ever talk like this? Just take a few minutes to just praise God. Not singing someone else's song of praise but our own.
Take some time today to write down your own song of praise and share below.
Trust in God forever for He is the Rock.
Even though the world will cease to exist in a while, God still remains
Trust in God
You are my Rock, You are forever...
You have created us
You have made our church
You have established this nation upon trust in You...
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