May 28, 2010

May 28 - Ephesians 6:1-4

Logically, it makes sense to move on from a discussion of husbands and wives to children.
The important phrase in the first verse is "in the Lord." Sadly, there are bad and foolish parents that deal with their children in ungodly ways. And this is Paul's one, very clear statement -- as long as it is "in the Lord" then children are to obey their parents. And, most likely if your parents are not letting you hang out with friends at the mall because they want to protect you from the bad things of this world (which you'll see plenty of in the future) -- then most likely that is in the Lord because hanging out at a mall isn't something God explicitly states as something that is beneficial to you.. You get what I mean.

This obedience does not come without a promise - you will enjoy a long life (whether that means figuratively or literally because some don't live long even when they obey their parents) - it basically means you will enjoy life (every bit of it) even more.

Then he moves onto parents - "Fathers, don't exasperate your children." Parents are commanded to not make their kids angry as in oppress, abuse, mistreat them. Parents are to bring them up and train them in the Lord (which sometimes does make kids angry sometimes).

A short story: My son is 10 months old now and as much as we are proud of him in so many things - he is developing a sense of self. In other words, he understands that he can express dislike, push away food when he doesn't want it. He realized he has opinions and he can express it. Now, if just because he hates broccoli and pushes it away and throws a tantrum every time - and I go along with it so I don't make him angry isn't for his own good. Because I am trying to train him to like healthy foods and feed him good food - I am going to do certain disciplinary things to make him eat. Yes, he will cry for an hour straight and he will be very angry -- but this is what we are called to do - to discipline and train in the right way. And the right way isn't always the easy, nice way.

May 27, 2010

May 27 - Ephesians 5:22-33

The marriage relationship between a husband and a wife is like the relationship of Christ to His church. What does that say about marriage and family today?

Marriage (the union of man and woman before God in covenant) is the reflection of God's love for the church. Love is perfected and demonstrated in marriage. So, how do we perfect love? Well.. the sayings goes practice makes perfect... and there's another saying - practice makes permanent. People say that in order to make something a habit - you have to do it at least 21 times.. If you did a bad thing 21 times, then the bad thing becomes a part of you.

How do we practice love so that we can experience the fullness of God's perfect love? Practice rightly.

Marriage has become a joke recently. People get married because they "feel" something and when that feeling is gone - they get a divorce.

What are your views on marriage? How has this world taken something so sacred that God has created - and made it into something that is no longer sacred?

What can you do to protect marriage for what God has created it to be?

Even further, how can we learn more about what marriage is about in the way Jesus loves us?

May 26, 2010

May 26 - Ephesians 5:1-21

What does it mean to be an imitator of God?
Paul gives us some examples:
v. 2 walk in love just like Christ did by sacrificing himself for others. That's walking in love..
v. 4 no foolish talk or crude joking but rather thanksgiving
Why waste your words on foolishness? Today sarcasm, making fun of one another is cool. People like witty banter but usually it's just hurtful talk that doesn't benefit anyone except for get a few momentary laughs.
v. 5 Sexual purity.. This is not just what you do but what enters your mind. What you watch.. what you hear...
v. 7 take no part in darkness.
Do you have friends that are doing deeds of darkness? Do you take part in it? Are you standing by as they do the deed? You're still just standing by.. but not exposing the wrongdoing. (v. 11) - If you're just standing by allowing it then you are not being the light. We are called to be the light and expose these things with the truth.
v. 16 make the best use of your time - live wisely.. even a single moment in foolishness is a single moment that could've been used for the glory of God.
v. 21 Submit, serve one another... Why? Because we respect God.

Lots of examples. What other examples do you see or want to share?

May 25, 2010

May 25 - Ephesians 4:17-32

v. 26 "Be angry and do not sin..."
You can be angry because anger is an emotion but that anger can lead to sin..
What are some things we do out of anger?
-gossip aka vent
-lose it

This is where our emotions begin to control us..
"Don't let the sun go down on your anger" and especially don't the devil an opportunity.
Wouldn't he be happy if you lost it and did something that is not of the image of God?

At the end of the day - what's the score?

May 24, 2010

May 24 - Ephesians 4:1-16

The mission of the Church (The family of God) is simple:
Reflect the Image of God (Show His love)
1) in community, as the church that bears His name - to grow in love to reflect God's love more clearly (Becoming one church united in faith and love)
2) in sharing God's good news and love to the local community (local missions)
3) in sharing God's good news and love to the ends of the earth (world missions)

Reflecting the beauty, love, the joy, hope of God as a church is our goal. where "We all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity.. (v. 13)
The opposite is being like children - where every single little issue is up for debate and arguing, deceitful schemes and people's harmful plans shake us up every single time (v. 14)

Instead - a mature community - speaks the truth in love where the whole body is joined together and each person is properly equipped, with each part working properly...

Can you imagine a church where every single person is able to share their gifts? Where everyone is joyfully serving? Where everyone is appreciated?
And, where God's love is obviously displayed...

A loving body where Christ is the head - this is our goal as a church.

May 23, 2010

May 23 - Ephesians 3:14-21

Can you believe vv. 14-19 is one sentence? Divide it up, use the prepositions as your clue to understand.

(v. 16) God will grant you His strength through the Spirit according to God's riches. And his riches are beyond what we think is rich.
(v. 17) SO that Christ can dwell in your hearts through faith - more specifically, you being grounded in love in all you do
So that you can experience just like the saints that went before you - how BIG, DEEP, LONG,HIGH, WIDE God's love really is.

You're probably thinking to yourself - why was Paul so crazy into God? What made Him that way? Maybe you don't think that's a big deal.. but being into God isn't like a fad. You don't just get into it because you think it's cool. Actually in a lot of ways it's not the coolest thing..
You get into it because of His love.
God shows you how big His love is for you.
And because He loved us first - it's like automatically we want to respond back to Him in love. It's like automatically we want to praise Him.

So, the first step isn't what can I do to become more crazy about God. It's more like - how can you stand still or sit still in His arms and let Him love you. Can you sit still in His presence long enough, still enough that you can hear Him speaking words of love to you?

Be still my child. Listen, for I am speaking of my love for you.
I love you.

May 22, 2010

May 22 - Ephesians 3:1-13

Verse 8: "To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ..."

The school year is now coming to an end and most likely you've voted for your "Most likely to..." succeed, Best laugh, etc.
Well, Paul was probably the Most Likely to Persecute Christians.. He was probably one of the meanest, most legalistic (like really RULE-based), scary guys.

Paul was most likely the least likely to become a representative of Christ But I guess that's where God's humor lies. He always finds a way to surprise us. There are so many "What?" moments in the church. Things you'd never expect like that total bad boy becoming so changed...

And, that is what's so amazing about the power of the Holy Spirit. That is what's so amazing about His grace.

God can do amazing, surprising things.. especially where you'd least expect it. So let go of what you think you know about this world, about people, about God - because God will surprise you.

May 20, 2010

May 20 - Ephesians 2:1-10

"For by grace you have been saved..."
Whenever you see a "for" at the beginning of a sentence, you should look at the sentences prior to see WHAT "for".

There are a lot of things going on here.
1. FACT: We are naturally, in our nature, sons and daughters of wrath - of sin. We were all dead because of our sins (v.1).
2. BUT - God because of his mercy and great love (v.4) raised us up and made us alive with Christ. He took away the sin that made us dead...
3. WHY? So that he might show us his immeasurable riches of his grace (v. 7). He might show us how amazing He really is.
4. CONCLUSION: "For by grace you have been saved through faith." This is a gift of God - not as a result of works, so we have nothing to show off or be arrogant about.

God has done all these things. He saved us because of His mercy and love. This is called grace. It's a gift to us - so that we can begin to experience how amazing God really is. We are all sinners saved by grace through faith in Christ Jesus.

We were all sinners bound for death but now we are sinners saved by grace, being cleansed by Him and experiencing His glory.
Praise the Lord!

May 19, 2010

May 19 - Ephesians 1:15-23

Do you know how amazing it is to know Christ? This is what Paul is talking about.. I hope that the "eyes of your heart" may be enlightened.. Do you really get how amazing it is to know the Creator of this world, this universe - you and me - so intimately?

Not only do we get to inherit all the riches of the God of the universe, but we can experience His power now.
Because we are His church. We are his body.

Do you know how it feels to be a part of a winning team? To be under the leadership of a great coach, a great leader? It's like - as long as you follow his/her lead - you know you'll experience greatness.

It's like the stuff of movies.. Coach Carter, We are Marshall, Glory Road

We are the Body! We are a great leader! Let's live like it.. May the eyes of our hearts be opened.. May we truly realize how awesome it is to be with Jesus!

How do we spend more time unplugging from the distractions and being still before God?
Memorize a verse... and let it just sit on your tongue, on your mind, on your heart for hours and hours... see what happens.

May 18, 2010

May 18 - Ephesians 1:1-14

According to one author, William Barclay, Ephesians is considered the "Queen of the Epistles." The main theme of Ephesians is the fact that unity can only be found in Christ and the one goal and ministry of the church is to reconcile the world to God (bring people back to God).

Ephesians 1 sounds pretty familiar - and sometimes we gloss over passages that sound familiar but look deeper.

-He chose us and adopted us..
Adoption - When we think about adoption today we think of orphans being adopted through a lot of paperwork. Adoption in the Roman times was a huge deal. A father would release his son/daughter and once that release happened it was a complete disconnect. Even the debt you may have owed is all cleared -- you start on a clean slate. And your new adoptive parent would bring you in as his own. You get the inheritance and enjoy every privilege of being a true son/daughter in that family. we become new people.
When we are adopted into God's family - the former life is gone and a new life begins. The debts, the regrets of the former life are all cleared and you start on a clean slate.

As Christian brothers and sisters - there is no need to bring up each others faults from the past because if God doesn't hold it against them, why should we?

How are you doing with your 30-Hours of "Being Still" and unplugging before God...
Some ideas:
-Leave your iPod or the music function on your cell phone off for this week
-Take a walk and just marvel at God's creation -- lots of trees and pollen floating around this week.
-Sit down in silence..
-As you do your homework, constantly ask yourself this question: How did God do that? How did He bring all of this together?
It doesn't mean you have to spend 30 hours doing something -- it's actually the opposite -- just unplug. If you're going to do your homework.. just do it - unplug from all the distractions.. try to just enjoy the studying part, the learning part, the part that involves amazing facts entering your wonderful brain.
If you're going to eat, enjoy it - the wonderful flavors, the conversations with family and friends..
It's really 30 hours of enjoying everything you're doing and not multitasking.
I hope you enjoy!

Just do one thing at a time... :)

May 14, 2010

May 14 - 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

Do you think you can one-up Paul?

jailed, flogged, beaten up, shipwrecked - the list goes on... yet, the biggest suffering Paul endures is seeing a brother or sister deceived or fall to sin.
This is his biggest concern.

Paul had credentials. He was "successful" in many ways but this is not what he boasts about. His boasting is in his sufferings. His "glory" is in his sufferings. He even suffers with the brothers and sisters that suffer at the hand of sin. The church at Corinth were more impressed with preachers that came by with impressive speeches, demonstrations, gifts..

Paul doesn't come in a fancy suit. He doesn't preach sermons that make people feel good about themselves. He doesn't come to win the people's favor. His only concern is that he wins them to Christ. His boasting is in his sufferings.

If you look back at your life - what do you boast in?
Do you boast in the worldly successes?
Or, do you boast in the times your friends mocked you for praying in public? Or, when they thought you were stupid for fasting?

Do we boast in our sufferings? Do we give suffering the credit it deserves?

May 13, 2010

May 13 - 2 Corinthians 11:1-15

The heart of a pastor, a shepherd, even a parent who cares for you...

Paul is sometimes a bit harsh, a bit blunt -- but he says so out of love. He made sure that he didn't ask for any offering from the Corinthians. He sacrificed his time, energy so that he can come to the Corinthians to deliver this message and win them to Jesus...

Try to imagine Paul's heart. You've poured your energy, your time, your money into a person's life - only to find them deceived by the devil... How would you feel?

This is Paul's heart. This is the heart that we are called to have towards the people we are called to minister to.. whether it be our friends, family - and in the future, our own children.

May 12, 2010

May 12 - 2 Corinthians 10

Much criticism comes to leaders. They're in the spotlight... but honestly, who are we to judge. What standard do we judge others by? Our standards?

Verse 12 says that when we measure ourselves by our own standards- we're not wise.

How do leaders stand and continue their work in the midst of expected criticism?
How does Obama keep going when every single day he is literally graded by the public and scrutinized in every move?

How do ministers, servants in the Lord keep going even in the midst of criticism by people judging by their own opinion and standards?

Well, Paul knows something --
Verse 18 "For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends."

If you're feeling opposition or if you're the one opposing -- ask yourself: Would the LORD GOD be proud of you and support you?
Would He place His seal of approval on you or the person in question?

Really, that's all that matters.

May 11, 2010

May 11 - 2 Corinthians 9

Background: The Corinthians and those in the nearby Achaia(Achaea) region have expressed a desire to support the more needy Christians in Macedonia. Here's Paul keeping them to their word.
He not only reminds them of their commitment but sets a plan to send people to make sure the project/offering goes as planned.

A lesson in giving..
We're not just talking giving donations or offering. We're talking giving in life. When you put a lot of hours into a project, a test -- you expect the same return. It doesn't make sense that if you put in little that you get a lot back.
In the same way -- put in your best efforts, put in your best - and you will get the best. If you didn't give your best then don't expect the best results.

In giving to God - God loves a cheerful giver. Don't give just because you have to.. The flip side is that some people just never give because they don't feel as if they're just quite "cheerful" enough to give. Sometimes we have to "train" ourselves to give in the beginning and keep that in check so that we're not giving out of obligation or even of habit -- make sure that our giving to God is new every day... That is why it's so important to be thankful everyday for everything. It keeps us "cheerful" in our giving.

Give a lot and your best in all things... and let's do it cheerfully.

If you've got that homework or that test to study for.. give a lot and do it cheerfully..

we've got that 30-hour famine.. give a lot and give cheerfully.

May 10, 2010

May 10 - 2 Corinthians 8:16-24

What a joy it is to have partners, brothers, sisters, friends as we pursue God and His kingdom together...

There is strength in numbers.. Bad attitudes can spread but also good attitudes can spread also. If you think you're alone pursuing the kingdom of God - know that God is the one who places desires in our hearts and brings us together.

May we run this race together because God has brought us together.

Encourage one another as we seek Him with the things He has placed on our hearts. You are not alone.. God always sends people to walk with you.

May 9, 2010

Game Time!

May 9 - 2 Corinthians 8:1-15

After tragedy hit the people at Macedonia - their true colors came through in the midst of adversity...
In the worst of times, your true colors show through...
During this time of hardship - what colors are we showing through - those of forgiveness, generosity, mercy -- or that of anger, resentment and bitterness..

May beautiful colors shine through during this time and may we keep at it by the strength that comes from the Holy Spirit.

May 8, 2010

May 8 - 2 Corinthians 7

Paul was so upset with the Corinthians, he wrote a very harsh letter criticizing the Corinthians. He was concerned about how the Corinthians might respond so Paul sent Titus to Corinth to check out how things were, how they responded to the letter. But, Paul did not hear anything from Titus. So, while Paul was awaiting word from Titus in Macedonia he was deeply distressed, even depressed..and this is the pain that he is speaking of.

But, Paul was comforted by finally seeing Titus and even moreso hearing Titus' message - that the Corinthians received the letter well- and they were even looking forward to seeing Paul...

How would you react if someone came into our church and told us how messed up we were? Most people would get defensive... Would we respond in agreement like the church in Corinth did?
Because the grief and sadness caused by Paul's "pointing out of their sin" -- actually led to a realization of their sins and then towards repentance...
So, godly grief-- sometimes getting down in the dumps.. sometimes a church going through bad stuff is a good thing -- because it finally makes us repent.

If we never suffered as a church we may never realize our sinfulness and we may never repent.

There are times where a church may be revealed for its sinfulness. It is embarrassing. It is sad.. Sometimes we are shocked -- "our church messed up?"

But remember, godly grief leads to repentance that leads to salvation.

sometimes grief and sadness -- a down period with God is a good thing.

May 7, 2010

May 7 - 2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers... when we're talking "yoked" we're speaking of a contraption used to bring the strength of two oxen together when using animals to pull a cart. If you're going to be "yoked" together or attached together you would like for the two oxen to move in the same direction. If each ox has a different belief system, then it is very hard to move at all and basically, you'll end up just arguing about moving at all - and never really get to moving towards something.

Can I date non-Christians? The answer here would be NO. Why?
What is dating for? To find a spouse (marriage)
If you have no interest in marriage then you shouldn't date (yet).
Can people find their future spouse while in high school? Yes. But they are few.. it's takes a lot of maturity to figure out who you are and who you are compatible with.. even people in their 20s have a hard time with that.

When you are "yoked" together, you're carrying a burden together and walking together? Think about it -- what kind of a person would you want to be "yoked" to?

May 6, 2010

May 6 - 2 Corinthians 6:1-13

"open wide your hearts also..."
NOW is the time...
Verse 12 speaks of restricting ourselves.. Sometimes we restrict ourselves so that we cannot experience the fullness of God.

And, when we talk of fullness of God, really experiencing God - it's not all pretty. Paul describes it: beatings, hunger, sleeplessness- but also purity, patience, genuine love...
It's this amazing place where it doesn't really make sense. verses 8b on..
"We are treated as impostors, and yet are true; 9 as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as punished, and yet not killed; 10 as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, yet possessing everything."

People think we're suffering, dying - but really we're not. We may seem to have nothing - but yet we really have everything. It's a completely different way of seeing life, thinking about life, living life..

Now is the time.. so open wide your hearts. Don't restrict what God is desiring to do in your life...

May 5, 2010

May 5 - 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

When Jesus died for our sins and gave us new life - a life that no longer leads to death nor is bound by death - we live no longer for ourselves but for the one who gave His life for us.

And so, this ministry of reconciliation is not so much people being reconciled to one another but people being reconciled to God. And who are the people called to do that? US. No, not the United States - you and me, us. We are called to be Christ's ambassadors, His representatives to tell them of a new relationship, a new life that is possible through Jesus Christ. From there, reconciliation is bound to happen between people - but what is most important is that people, God's very creation, are reconciled to their Maker.

What is the difference between charitable works and missionaries? Charitable works, social justice work focuses on people and relies on the goodness of people. Missions work involves people being reconciled to God. When any relationship involves God, things are going to happen. When relationships only involve sinful, making mistakes people -- well, other things are going to happen and sometimes it gets ugly.

Doing good isn't the only important thing... being good (as in right standing with God, the judge) through the blood of Jesus Christ matters eternally.

May we participate in the ministry of Reconciliation - reconciling our friends, families and neighbors to God.

May 4, 2010

May 4 - 2 Corinthians 5:1-10

The Message translation puts it this way:
"He puts a little of heaven in our hearts so that we'll never settle for less."

Sometimes we live as if today or even this life is it. If today was a bad day and we lived only for today then life is pretty sad... but we don't have nearsightedness with God.. we look ahead into our eternal future. We have heaven to look forward to! If we're not excited about that - then there's something seriously wrong with us.. we need to do some heaven-searching.

God put a little bit of heaven in our hearts so we'll never settle for less.
Even though today or this week so far hasn't been good... don't let it bring you down. Don't settle for less - we have so much to look forward to. It's something so big and wonderful that a little bitty small bad day can't even make a dent in it.

May we not settle for less than what we are destined for!

May 3, 2010

May 3 - 2 Corinthians 4

sometimes people can, out of their own insecurity, do things that are deceptive to make themselves or even their spirituality look better. We try so hard to impress each other by trying to demonstrate how cool we are. Yet living the life of a christian is not about that. We are but jars of clay - nothing special, weak, easily breakable in and of ourselves. We have nothing to boast of ourselves. But what we have to boast about is what this plain jar holds. And we are jars filled with the precious Holy Spirit. Sometimes Christians may seem like losers. Sometimes we are being made fun of for what we believe and some are being persecuted even to the point of death. And even as they are killed people will still call them fools.. Yet even though this frail jar of clay be crushed we have something that can never be crushed.

as we sang yesterday in "Trading My Sorrows"we are crushed but not destroyed. Yes the song is from this passage.

maybe you are feeling beaten down because of your faith. Stay strong for though we as jars of clay are weak - He is strong.

May 2, 2010

May 2 - 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

The Mosaic Law (the law given through Moses) proves one thing. By the law - we are all deserving of death. We don't cut it. We fall short..

Yet, the new promise brings freedom because through that promise we are no longer under the law. The law has no power over us because we are saved by grace not by how we follow the law...

This is freedom.. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom - freedom from guilt, freedom to have hope that even though we are sinners today, God is transforming us at this very minute..

We don't need to nitpick at petty things.. We don't judge others based on little things but by grace we are free to hope and hope to be transformed and hope that others are transformed too.

May we release one another to the freedom that the Spirit of God gives us - that we are no longer under the law that brings death - but rather under the grace that gives us life forever.

May 1, 2010

May 2010 News and Announcements

…to our amazing brothers and sisters (young and older) who together make a beautiful church of Jesus Christ.. and to an amazing worship and celebration at Vision 2010.

Andrew Yi (5/16)
Celine Kim (5/30)

May 16 Annual Bible Assessment Test
May 21-22 30-Hour Famine Lock-In

Fridays (7:30-9:45 PM):
May 7 Worship and Bible Study (May is Social Justice Month)
May 14 Worship and Bible Study
May 21 30-Hour Famine and Lock-In (Program starts 7:30 PM on Friday ends Saturday at 1 PM)
May 28 GAME Night – Minute to Win it!

Missions/Community Service Project – MISSION OF HOPE
We are partnering with a missions organization in Haiti called Mission of Hope. We are making friendship bracelets to send along with letters to the children in Haiti. These children are in the orphanage, school or hospital at this ministry. We are gathering monetary gifts to send along with these handmade bracelets to the children.

Important Sunday Items:
-Bible, Notebook/Journal, Student’s Guide to the Bible
-Schedules: Sunday Worship begins promptly at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Bible study is from 12:30-1:15 pm. Please wait for your child and refrain from calling their cell phones until 1:15 pm.
-Offering Envelopes: We have special offering envelopes available for each student. Please look for the square blue envelope in the box outside of the worship room. Please prepare your offering before entering worship.
**Bible Readings: Please go to our blog

If you have any questions, please call or text me at 213-500-3750 or email at
-Pastor Rana Park

May Bible Reading Schedule

Click on below image to see bigger.

May 1 - 2 Corinthians 3:1-6

As we get more mature, we tend to pride ourselves on how systematic, how organized, how professional things are...

Paul says - are we getting to the point of working like everyone else in this world? Do I need a letter of recommendation to prove something?

The people are the proof, the seal of approval that something great is at work. If the people were doubting Paul's credentials, then they should look at the work he did - and he makes this clear in v. 5 - not by anything he did himself but the work He did because God gave him the competence or the ability to do it. God made Paul competent to do the work. If we were to measure our competency as God's servants we would all fail. Yet, it is God who does the work through us -- and that "seal" of the Holy Spirit is more important than any degree (MA, PhD, etc.) or letters of recommendation from various people.

May we see people the way God sees them, not as the world sees them. God sees a sinner (a broken person) used for God's glory. (and that's coming up)
Sometimes leaders do mess up - but the fact that God worked through them is because of God, not them. So, we are to respond to spiritual leaders like Ted Haggard or Jim Bakker with the grace and mercy... for despite their sinfulness - the work of the Holy Spirit through them is still valid.