September is already gone and now we only have THREE more months until the end of 2013. Last week, we had a great trip to Warwick, NY for apple picking. In September, we kicked off Harlem Explorers for the 2013-14 school year (we'll talk about it more below) and we welcomed our wonderful new 6th Graders!!
October Birthdays!
Sam Yom (8th Grade) 10/1
Sarah Yae (9th Grade) 10/8
Sophia Shin (7th Grade) 10/11
Tony Kim (11th Grade) 10/11
Sarah Song (9th Grade) 10/20
Tawa Cheng (9th Grade) 10/25
Tyler Kim (7th Grade) 10/27
Elliott Cho (8th Grade) 10/31
New Teachers: We are excited to introduce our new teachers. Sr. High, Elder Chul Won Lee is teaching the 12th grade class. And for Jr. High, college students Sharon Lee and Eunice Choe are currently serving as teachers-in-training. And returning and faith teacher, Sam Lee will be teaching 9th and 10th graders this year.
Confirmation 2013-14: Every two years we hold confirmation classes. Classes start October 13, 2013 and end on Confirmation Sunday, April 27, 2014. Location: Youth Central (Across from 017) Students meet each Sunday from 1:30-2:30pm to discuss the basics of our faith, what it means to be a member of the church, basics of the Presbyterian church, etc. Registration must be completed this week with $10 for confirmation workbooks. Please contact Pastor Rana for more information.
Harlem Explorers (Sat 10/12, 9:45am-2:30pm)
Harlem Explorers is a Saturday Church school program we lead one Saturday per month. It is a ministry that started over a decade ago to serve the children of Harlem. The program has expanded to include not only children but middle school and high schoolers as well. We take a team of students and adults (8th grade and up only) to lead worship, small group, games and crafts. We share the love of Jesus Christ with the children of this community. This will be our 4th year serving in the Harlem Explorers program. Adults are always welcome to serve with us. The church van departs at 9:45 am from the front steps of church.
Monthly Fellowship: (Fri 10/18 BOWLING)
Each month we have a fellowship activity and this month we are going bowling. Cost will be $10-15 depending on how many games we play. Please arrive at church ready to bowl (remember socks) and we will return to church by 10:30pm.
Fall Missions Project: Operation Christmas Child (until Nov. 10)
This will be our 4th year participating in a project that brings the gospel message and a shoebox full of gifts to children ages 2-14. Since 1993, the organization Samaritan's Purse has brought the gospel message to over 100 million children. Our youth group has sent over 150 boxes in the last few years. This year, we want our whole church to participate and have this great opportunity to share the gospel with children far away. To make it easy and simple, we have the boxes ready for you (no gift wrapping necessary, no shoebox collecting needed). We will have a booth ready and $10 will cover the box and the $7 shipping for each box. Please sign up one or more boxes for your family soon! More information can be found at the website below.
Volunteer/Serve our younger brothers & sisters(Holy Win Thurs 10/31)
The nursery/kinder and elementary departments are looking for volunteers to help out at the annual Holy Win program Thursday, 10/31. If you are interested in helping out please talk to Pastor Paul
Parent Special Topic Discussion
At the end of October, we will be holding a Parent discussion on various topics we are going over in our youth group Sundays. A separate email will be sent regarding this gathering soon.
Family English Worship (Sundays @9:30am)
Yes, we do have an English Worship service on Sundays. If your family is interested in worshipping together in English, please join us each Sunday at 9:30am in Room 011.
Also, Adult English Bible Study, is every Friday from 8-10pm. Currently, we are going through the Fundamentals of the Faith by John MacArthur. This series will run through the beginning of January. Please contact Pastor Rana for more information.
Our Youth Group Blog/Website:
Dates to Remember
11/2 (Sat) "God, Science, Atheism" Lecture by Dr. I. Choi (Flyer attached)
12/26-28 (Thurs-Sat) Winter Retreat at Pine Hill Retreat Center (PA)
We hope you all have a wonderful week and let us know if you have any questions.