Aug 3, 2010

August 3 - 2 Samuel 3

2 Sam 3:36 " everything that the king did pleased all the people."

David was not a people-pleaser but what he did pleased the people. Joab acted out of revenge and murdered Abner. When David interacted with Abner (a former foe) he was able to send Abner away in peace. He did not hold anything against him and far be it from him to act in judgment towards him.

David acted not to please himself but to please God. And it pleased God to forgive others and to accept them.

Simply, when you live to please God naturally people will be pleased with you as well.

If you pleased God in all your schoolwork, housework, relationship with family -- then your family, including your parents, will be pleased with you.

Please the Lord first - then the rest will follow.
"Seek first His kingdom..." Matt 6:33

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