Aug 5, 2010

August 5 - 2 Samuel 5

v. 10 "And David became greater and greater, for the LORD, the God of hosts, was with him."
v. 12 "...And David knew that the LORD had established him king over Israel..."
v. 19 "And David inquired of the LORD..."
v. 23 "And David inquired of the LORD..."

Are we seeing something here?
What does it mean to be with God? Or, God with you?
What does it mean to constantly be in prayer at all times?
What does it mean to walk with God?

David gives us some answers to the above questions.
Do we take the time to recognize the ways God has blessed us or the ways He truly is with us?
Do we ask God what we should do before we do it?

Simple ways..
Reflect on your own life. Do I walk with God? Or, do I just walk to Him when I need something?

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