Yesterday's Reading: xalsix3 asked about vv. 26f from yesterday's reading. So, what does that last part mean? According to one scholar, this last part describes God's judgment and the fact that He won't back down. Remember, He will only do what is right. God would even bring together people from the distant lands and even these nations that do not worship God will be used to bring judgment upon sinners. God takes sin seriously.
Isaiah 6
Thinking about Structure in writing. It's interesting that in Isaiah 6 we finally come to the calling of Isaiah. You would think that would come first since Isaiah would have to be called first then he can go on ministering, prophesying, etc. But, interestingly - all of this sad stuff, some hopeful stuff and then Isaiah's calling in the sixth chapter?
One scholar explains that this chapter was placed after talking about how sinful and messed up the people were to make a point. "If the 'people of unclean lips' (6:5) can have the same experience that he, the 'man of unclean lips' had, then the dilemma Isaiah sees in Israel...can be solved" (Oswalt, 125).
Isaiah is basically saying- yes, you're sinful and you've messed up. But, I am also a sinner yet God has made me clean and better yet - used me as a messenger, a carrier of His message of salvation. God can do that for you too! Don't stay hopeless! This isn't the end.
Isaiah 6:1-4 The GLORY of God Watch the video below. This was one of my favorite songs when I was 13. "I see the LORD" and this is adapted from Isaiah 6. "The train of his robe filled the temple..." The "train" is the hem of the robe, the part of your clothes where you see the stitching on the bottom or on the edges. That means that God's glory is so great that the temple is filled with just the stitching parts (Oswalt, 129). Amazing, huh?
Isaiah 6:5 Realizing that I am a sinner
When we are truly in the presence and glory of God - we are able to see how sinful we are. When we are always around sinners, it's easy to say "I'm a good person." But, when we are in the presence of our perfect God then it is easy to see our imperfections. That's why it's so easy to sin without guilt when we are not in the presence of God, when we are not listening to His words, etc. But, it doesn't end there. If we just realized we are dirty and we are sinners without hope then that would lead to hopelessness and it would be utterly dreadful.
Isaiah 6:6-7 God makes me clean
God "touches our lips" with this hot coal.. Fire is very symbolic of God's power - destructive, yes but even moreso His cleansing power. Remember that to burn out the dross in silver - it would have to be consumed with fire. A painful process, but in the end the result is beautiful PURE silver. This is what happens in repentance. When you're making that 180 degree turn towards God, it should not be easy. It will be hard. Leaving some bad influences, some habits will be hard. But, we have hope that in the end there are great things to come!
Isaiah 6:8-13 God gives purpose
As God cleanses us and renews us - we are able to live according to His purpose and His desires. We begin to lice the life that God created us to live.
This isn't a one-time process and it doesn't always happen like it did for Isaiah. It happens continually until we are finally perfected when we see our LORD face to face in heaven. As long as we remain in His presence, in His hands we have hope - no matter how dirty our lips have been.
I pray that we will see your glory God, and brought to our knees in repentance. We have great hope that you will make us clean and that we will experience your amazing will and purpose upon this earth! Lord, Here am I, send me, use me, mold me and make me into your servant. Amen.
When I read this chapter, I instantly thought of the song, "Holy is the Lord." Still complicated though. Verse 8 and 9 struck me. Even if God calls upon us, we deny him. But, the man in the verse seemed so eager to do God's will. I'm sure we want to be like that, but even so, many things block the path..... sucks.
ReplyDeleteWhen reading Chapter 6, i got sorta confused about characters more about what was going on. I mean, since when did angels have six wings? :-/
ReplyDeleteAnyway, it was a prty cool chapter, like a dream, I guess, i could sorta imagine it all happening in my head. :)
Is this entire chapter Isaiah's vision?
ReplyDeleteI think the burning out the dross in silver is a really cool comparison.
so the dross in the silver relates like our sin?
and i'm guessing dross isn't a good thing.
i'm commenting as my aim, Katie.
lol that's why it's not my real name.
and also, pastor rana.
you could just not put me into the drawing for prizes lol. i don't really need to be in it,