May 11, 2010

May 11 - 2 Corinthians 9

Background: The Corinthians and those in the nearby Achaia(Achaea) region have expressed a desire to support the more needy Christians in Macedonia. Here's Paul keeping them to their word.
He not only reminds them of their commitment but sets a plan to send people to make sure the project/offering goes as planned.

A lesson in giving..
We're not just talking giving donations or offering. We're talking giving in life. When you put a lot of hours into a project, a test -- you expect the same return. It doesn't make sense that if you put in little that you get a lot back.
In the same way -- put in your best efforts, put in your best - and you will get the best. If you didn't give your best then don't expect the best results.

In giving to God - God loves a cheerful giver. Don't give just because you have to.. The flip side is that some people just never give because they don't feel as if they're just quite "cheerful" enough to give. Sometimes we have to "train" ourselves to give in the beginning and keep that in check so that we're not giving out of obligation or even of habit -- make sure that our giving to God is new every day... That is why it's so important to be thankful everyday for everything. It keeps us "cheerful" in our giving.

Give a lot and your best in all things... and let's do it cheerfully.

If you've got that homework or that test to study for.. give a lot and do it cheerfully..

we've got that 30-hour famine.. give a lot and give cheerfully.

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