May 2, 2010

May 2 - 2 Corinthians 3:7-18

The Mosaic Law (the law given through Moses) proves one thing. By the law - we are all deserving of death. We don't cut it. We fall short..

Yet, the new promise brings freedom because through that promise we are no longer under the law. The law has no power over us because we are saved by grace not by how we follow the law...

This is freedom.. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom - freedom from guilt, freedom to have hope that even though we are sinners today, God is transforming us at this very minute..

We don't need to nitpick at petty things.. We don't judge others based on little things but by grace we are free to hope and hope to be transformed and hope that others are transformed too.

May we release one another to the freedom that the Spirit of God gives us - that we are no longer under the law that brings death - but rather under the grace that gives us life forever.

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