May 14, 2010

May 14 - 2 Corinthians 11:16-33

Do you think you can one-up Paul?

jailed, flogged, beaten up, shipwrecked - the list goes on... yet, the biggest suffering Paul endures is seeing a brother or sister deceived or fall to sin.
This is his biggest concern.

Paul had credentials. He was "successful" in many ways but this is not what he boasts about. His boasting is in his sufferings. His "glory" is in his sufferings. He even suffers with the brothers and sisters that suffer at the hand of sin. The church at Corinth were more impressed with preachers that came by with impressive speeches, demonstrations, gifts..

Paul doesn't come in a fancy suit. He doesn't preach sermons that make people feel good about themselves. He doesn't come to win the people's favor. His only concern is that he wins them to Christ. His boasting is in his sufferings.

If you look back at your life - what do you boast in?
Do you boast in the worldly successes?
Or, do you boast in the times your friends mocked you for praying in public? Or, when they thought you were stupid for fasting?

Do we boast in our sufferings? Do we give suffering the credit it deserves?

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