This woman loved extravagantly... This jar of perfume cost a year's wages. Let's put it this way - something like $50,000 today. This was most likely this woman's only means to getting married. As this woman poured this perfume over Jesus' head the fragrant aroma filled the room. When we love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind, body - it's undeniable. Its fragrant effects are everywhere. How can we love our Lord extravagantly?
In the second part, the Lord's Supper is occurring over Passover (which is going on right now for our Jewish friends). It is a time to remember when death passed over the Israelites because of the blood shed by the lamb (and the blood was painted on the door of the Israelites). Jesus was the sacrificial lamb once and for all and because His blood covers us - death cannot take us. We're talking eternal death in hell here. Every time we take communion (grape juice/wine and bread) we remember that Jesus gave His body and blood for us. This is what we do in remembrance. We may do many things in remembrance of a family member who passed away or a tragic event like 9/11 - we commune at the table and partake of the bread and wine in remembrance of what Jesus did on the cross.
When we remember what Jesus did on the cross, we recognize that because of Jesus we have one commonality - that we're sinners but Jesus saved us. No matter how different we were before, how different our backgrounds are or our preferences -- we all have something in common that brings us together - that we share in the salvation that Jesus gives us. So we come together and partake of one bread and one cup signifying that in Jesus we are the same - sinners saved by grace.
When we have this huge thing in common - nothing can separate us - not status, not wrongdoing (because we're all wrongdoers), not preference -- When we remember Christ's death on the cross - we find that we are all the same, sinners saved by the grace of God. no worse, no better...
Mar 31, 2010
Mar 30, 2010
March 30 - Mark 13
It's obvious that since Jesus' first visit is coming to an end that He would share details on His second coming...
The "abomination" is the Antichrist who will attract and deceive believers (yes, believers) and eventually he will sort of "turn on" God and declare himself God..
Jesus' warning.
Stay alert.
Because perseverance through the tough times will demonstrate the true faith that lies beneath.
Hardship, hard time, difficulties are a part of life and especially a part of life as a Christian. We need these times to test, strengthen and demonstrate our faith.
Persevere. No matter what.
Persevere in peace. Persevere in patience. Persevere in righteousness. Stand firm when temptations come.
The "abomination" is the Antichrist who will attract and deceive believers (yes, believers) and eventually he will sort of "turn on" God and declare himself God..
Jesus' warning.
Stay alert.
Because perseverance through the tough times will demonstrate the true faith that lies beneath.
Hardship, hard time, difficulties are a part of life and especially a part of life as a Christian. We need these times to test, strengthen and demonstrate our faith.
Persevere. No matter what.
Persevere in peace. Persevere in patience. Persevere in righteousness. Stand firm when temptations come.
Mar 29, 2010
March 29 - Mark 12
Verses 1-12 Parable of the Tenants
As you might have guessed the son is Jesus. The tenants are the religious leaders that have been there all along and it is illustrating how they are trying to find a way to get Jesus in trouble. They don't believe and they'll prevent others from believing if they have to. They are stuck in their ways and will not change
Verses 13-40 demonstrate the religious leaders' attempts at trying to find a reason to accuse Jesus. Jesus correctly responds to each test... These powerful religious leaders are demonstrating their power to control and destroy.
Yet, the chapter concludes with the account of the widow's offering. The temple was known as a place where the rich and powerful could demonstrate their power with their offerings. Yet Jesus was more impressed by this widow that gave a really small offering. Why? Because she understood what offering really was - to demonstrate her faith in God, not human beings - by giving everything she had. The "treasury" is not necessarily a treasury of gold coins and money -- imagine it being a treasury of faith.
If churches today were really measured not by the number of members or by the amount of offering received -- but rather by the treasury of faith, how would our church do?
As you might have guessed the son is Jesus. The tenants are the religious leaders that have been there all along and it is illustrating how they are trying to find a way to get Jesus in trouble. They don't believe and they'll prevent others from believing if they have to. They are stuck in their ways and will not change
Verses 13-40 demonstrate the religious leaders' attempts at trying to find a reason to accuse Jesus. Jesus correctly responds to each test... These powerful religious leaders are demonstrating their power to control and destroy.
Yet, the chapter concludes with the account of the widow's offering. The temple was known as a place where the rich and powerful could demonstrate their power with their offerings. Yet Jesus was more impressed by this widow that gave a really small offering. Why? Because she understood what offering really was - to demonstrate her faith in God, not human beings - by giving everything she had. The "treasury" is not necessarily a treasury of gold coins and money -- imagine it being a treasury of faith.
If churches today were really measured not by the number of members or by the amount of offering received -- but rather by the treasury of faith, how would our church do?
Mar 28, 2010
Mar 27, 2010
March 27 - Mark 10:17-52
The rich man had two great loves in his life - his love of God (he followed all the commandments) AND his love of money. If you are following God you can't do both. Everything else must come after God. You can have lots of money. That wasn't the problem. If you use the money for God's glory then the money isn't controlling your life but God is directing the way you use money. So, this man went away sad...because this was hard to do.
If you want to be great, be the servant of all... In this world we want to "lord over" others. We want to be in charge. We take places of prestige, positions that we can mention on our Harvard University applications. Yet, what is true leadership? Jesus demonstrates it here and in his life. To be the greatest means to be the servant of all and this has caught on not only in the church but in the secular corporate world.. If you google "servant leadership" many corporate CEOs have come to incorporate this idea into their leadership. In order to lead, you must learn to serve. A true leader - serves.
And in the most beautiful demonstration of power and of leadership -- Jesus washes the disciples' feet.
If you want to be great, be the servant of all... In this world we want to "lord over" others. We want to be in charge. We take places of prestige, positions that we can mention on our Harvard University applications. Yet, what is true leadership? Jesus demonstrates it here and in his life. To be the greatest means to be the servant of all and this has caught on not only in the church but in the secular corporate world.. If you google "servant leadership" many corporate CEOs have come to incorporate this idea into their leadership. In order to lead, you must learn to serve. A true leader - serves.
And in the most beautiful demonstration of power and of leadership -- Jesus washes the disciples' feet.
Mar 26, 2010
March 26 - Mark 10:1-16
Verses 1-12 - They wanted Jesus to speak against the divorce passage in Deuteronomy so as to catch him. Again, they're stuck in sticking to the "rules" than really getting the point of the law.. The point of the law is to protect people. When two are brought together and united - the tearing apart (divorce) is often a very painful thing because what has been united was never meant to be taken apart.
Verses 13-16 If you can imagine the crowds around Jesus, there are some curious, some like the Pharisees and teachers of the law that just want to find a reason to put Jesus on trial and then there are the children- who genuinely want to know Jesus and have little trepidation in accepting His promises. They don't think too hard about it. They don't get picky about HOW you're supposed to follow a certain law... In fact, sometimes children are smarter in that they get Jesus's simple message that it's about God's love and they're not stubborn or unbelieving...
In this way, of the crowds - the children were probably the brightest of the bunch. Never neglevt the voice of a child or those younger than you. You might learn a thing or two from them.
Verses 13-16 If you can imagine the crowds around Jesus, there are some curious, some like the Pharisees and teachers of the law that just want to find a reason to put Jesus on trial and then there are the children- who genuinely want to know Jesus and have little trepidation in accepting His promises. They don't think too hard about it. They don't get picky about HOW you're supposed to follow a certain law... In fact, sometimes children are smarter in that they get Jesus's simple message that it's about God's love and they're not stubborn or unbelieving...
In this way, of the crowds - the children were probably the brightest of the bunch. Never neglevt the voice of a child or those younger than you. You might learn a thing or two from them.
Mar 25, 2010
March 25 - Mark 9
Verses 2-13 The Transfiguration
Jesus's body was transformed into the form that He would have after the resurrection. it was like a glimpse into what Jesus is trying to teach his disciples. They're still not getting it though. They actually don't want to hear that this amazingly powerful man is going to die...
If God were to show you glimpses of what is to come, how would your faith change? What if God has already shown you glimpses.. like people be transformed and changed by the blood of Jesus? Are we looking for signs when the signs are everywhere?
Verses 14-32 Only by prayer
The disciples, having cast out demons before, couldn't get it this time. And, Jesus points out that it can only come by prayer. Just because they had done it before maybe they were depending on their own strength to do it.. they forgot about the vital part of the equation, God's power and authority. Sometimes when we do something for the first time, we do it with trepidation, with fear.. but when we finally get it.. it's kind of like we lose that fear and we try to do everything ourselves.. In some things, we should learn to do things ourselves but when it comes to the things of God, God's power is key. And, the only way to access that power is through prayer.
In everything we do, may we begin with prayer. Prayer is the beginning of all things with God.
Jesus's body was transformed into the form that He would have after the resurrection. it was like a glimpse into what Jesus is trying to teach his disciples. They're still not getting it though. They actually don't want to hear that this amazingly powerful man is going to die...
If God were to show you glimpses of what is to come, how would your faith change? What if God has already shown you glimpses.. like people be transformed and changed by the blood of Jesus? Are we looking for signs when the signs are everywhere?
Verses 14-32 Only by prayer
The disciples, having cast out demons before, couldn't get it this time. And, Jesus points out that it can only come by prayer. Just because they had done it before maybe they were depending on their own strength to do it.. they forgot about the vital part of the equation, God's power and authority. Sometimes when we do something for the first time, we do it with trepidation, with fear.. but when we finally get it.. it's kind of like we lose that fear and we try to do everything ourselves.. In some things, we should learn to do things ourselves but when it comes to the things of God, God's power is key. And, the only way to access that power is through prayer.
In everything we do, may we begin with prayer. Prayer is the beginning of all things with God.
Mar 24, 2010
March 24 - Mark 8
Sometimes Mark does the same kind of stories in a row. Why? Sometimes the disciples didn't quite get it.. The needed the lesson a few times.. It's not a mistake. There are two feeding stories in a row...
The people were so eager to hear Jesus' words that they were willing to go without food so that they could hear Him. When are we that eager to hear the word of God? :)
"Pastor Rana, I'm so hungry..."
Verses 14-21 A little bit of yeast goes a long way and can change the nature of dough.. In the same way the unbelief of the Pharisees can affect a lot of people. They start to talk and talk spreads fast and soon enough many people start to doubt Jesus... Funny how talk affects people so easily.
Verses 27f... Who is Jesus? "He is the Christ (Messiah)" Why would Jesus not want people to know about this? mostly because people thought the Messiah was going to be this powerful political ruler who was going to help Israel get their rightful place back in this world.. and it wasn't going to happen this way. Jesus came humbly to die, to bear the shame of the world so that we may see what is truly powerful...
And, apparently - Peter didn't get this either.
It is preposterous to think that the Savior was going to Save by dying.
Can you imagine Superman to be a weak, skinny, powerless man?
What if the Hulk was called Weakling Hulk instead of the Incredible Hulk?
This world is on their quest for power and only power in that BIG sense of the word is acceptable. We don't understand power that comes in humility. We don't understand power that comes in quietness. Sometimes silence can kill your enemies than a noisy, loud attack. Sometimes there is more power in giving up your power as Jesus did.
As we meditate and think upon the amazing and powerful act on the cross-- where Jesus laid down His power and glory to save the whole world -- instead of coming with blaring horns and machine guns...
Jesus the Messiah is powerful but not in the blow-up everything, big buff muscles kind of way.. It's more like a shepherd with His flock...
The people were so eager to hear Jesus' words that they were willing to go without food so that they could hear Him. When are we that eager to hear the word of God? :)
"Pastor Rana, I'm so hungry..."
Verses 14-21 A little bit of yeast goes a long way and can change the nature of dough.. In the same way the unbelief of the Pharisees can affect a lot of people. They start to talk and talk spreads fast and soon enough many people start to doubt Jesus... Funny how talk affects people so easily.
Verses 27f... Who is Jesus? "He is the Christ (Messiah)" Why would Jesus not want people to know about this? mostly because people thought the Messiah was going to be this powerful political ruler who was going to help Israel get their rightful place back in this world.. and it wasn't going to happen this way. Jesus came humbly to die, to bear the shame of the world so that we may see what is truly powerful...
And, apparently - Peter didn't get this either.
It is preposterous to think that the Savior was going to Save by dying.
Can you imagine Superman to be a weak, skinny, powerless man?
What if the Hulk was called Weakling Hulk instead of the Incredible Hulk?
This world is on their quest for power and only power in that BIG sense of the word is acceptable. We don't understand power that comes in humility. We don't understand power that comes in quietness. Sometimes silence can kill your enemies than a noisy, loud attack. Sometimes there is more power in giving up your power as Jesus did.
As we meditate and think upon the amazing and powerful act on the cross-- where Jesus laid down His power and glory to save the whole world -- instead of coming with blaring horns and machine guns...
Jesus the Messiah is powerful but not in the blow-up everything, big buff muscles kind of way.. It's more like a shepherd with His flock...
Mar 23, 2010
March 23 - Mark 7
Traditions and Rules vs. the Commands of God...
Sometimes, as we get older, we forget what is REALLY important. We get used to the rituals, the traditions and we stick to what we know. That's the reason why older people tend to get stuck in their ways and the saying "It's hard to teach a dog new tricks" rings true. We like tradition. We like what we know and we get comfortable...
So, Jesus emphasizes (as we'll see in chapters to come) how he emphasizes the faith of a child. Children don't care for rules. If they love God, they do the things to show that they love God. They don't do something just because it's a rule... Jesus simplified the teachings of the prophets and the law into two simple laws.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself.
This is the main teaching. Does washing your hands really affect the basic teaching above?
Does it really matter how worship is done as long as the two above are accomplished?
Some like to hide behind the veil of religiosity - do lots of religious things to get the feeling that they are holy.. Well, what you do isn't going to make you clean because if all of the things you're doing isn't transforming your heart - it kinda doesn't matter. This is a message to the really religious folk, the ones that think they're better Christians than others because of what they do (especially in front of other people on Sundays or Fridays or Wednesdays) -- If loving God and others isn't in your heart... then you're missing the point just like Pharisees and teachers of the law..
Let's take some time to reevaluate.. Is loving God and others at the center of your heart?
Sometimes, as we get older, we forget what is REALLY important. We get used to the rituals, the traditions and we stick to what we know. That's the reason why older people tend to get stuck in their ways and the saying "It's hard to teach a dog new tricks" rings true. We like tradition. We like what we know and we get comfortable...
So, Jesus emphasizes (as we'll see in chapters to come) how he emphasizes the faith of a child. Children don't care for rules. If they love God, they do the things to show that they love God. They don't do something just because it's a rule... Jesus simplified the teachings of the prophets and the law into two simple laws.
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbor as yourself.
This is the main teaching. Does washing your hands really affect the basic teaching above?
Does it really matter how worship is done as long as the two above are accomplished?
Some like to hide behind the veil of religiosity - do lots of religious things to get the feeling that they are holy.. Well, what you do isn't going to make you clean because if all of the things you're doing isn't transforming your heart - it kinda doesn't matter. This is a message to the really religious folk, the ones that think they're better Christians than others because of what they do (especially in front of other people on Sundays or Fridays or Wednesdays) -- If loving God and others isn't in your heart... then you're missing the point just like Pharisees and teachers of the law..
Let's take some time to reevaluate.. Is loving God and others at the center of your heart?
Mar 22, 2010
March 22 - Mark 6:30-56
Who Will Care for the Sheep without a Shepherd?
Many times, we see something that can cause danger like a tree or an orange cone on the road. Or, we see a homeless person asking for food.. and we pass by thinking - the next person will take care of it. The next person will give them something to eat... Someone else will share the gospel with them? It'll eventually happen.
How many of those thoughts do we have daily?
I've had quite a few. I could've said something. I could've sat down with them for a moment. I had a nice thought -- maybe I can give them my umbrella.. the thought comes and then goes..
Well, Jesus says to us.. "You give them food." But, with what? I have nothing.
Jesus has given the disciples authority to cast out demons and heal the sick.. Would feeding the people be such a big act?
Where is the faith of our God who can move mountains with just His words?
Where is the faith of the God who can heal a person hundreds of miles away (centurion's story)?
Our GOD is big. He can calm the waves.. He can heal the sick. He can feed the hungry and He can change lives.. So,the next time you have a gracious thought.. maybe it is from the LORD. Will you have faith enough to get out of the car and do something? To sit down with your friend to share a life-changing story?
And Emet (my son) says this in response:
Many times, we see something that can cause danger like a tree or an orange cone on the road. Or, we see a homeless person asking for food.. and we pass by thinking - the next person will take care of it. The next person will give them something to eat... Someone else will share the gospel with them? It'll eventually happen.
How many of those thoughts do we have daily?
I've had quite a few. I could've said something. I could've sat down with them for a moment. I had a nice thought -- maybe I can give them my umbrella.. the thought comes and then goes..
Well, Jesus says to us.. "You give them food." But, with what? I have nothing.
Jesus has given the disciples authority to cast out demons and heal the sick.. Would feeding the people be such a big act?
Where is the faith of our God who can move mountains with just His words?
Where is the faith of the God who can heal a person hundreds of miles away (centurion's story)?
Our GOD is big. He can calm the waves.. He can heal the sick. He can feed the hungry and He can change lives.. So,the next time you have a gracious thought.. maybe it is from the LORD. Will you have faith enough to get out of the car and do something? To sit down with your friend to share a life-changing story?
And Emet (my son) says this in response:
Mar 21, 2010
March 21 - Mark 6:13-29
The cost of speaking the truth...
John spoke against the sin that Herod committed -- namely divorcing one woman to marry another. It was a sin and the woman in this story especially did not like what she was hearing and John paid dearly for this act.
On the other hand, Herod is caught in a sticky situation. He had made a great promise in front of all of his dinner guests pretty much to show off his power.. yet when the request is made - he is troubled because he is still bothered by the fact that he respects John... but is it enough?
He went ahead and did the deed and brought John the Baptist's head on a platter.
What will you do for the approval of a large group of people versus the approval of God? What will you do to gain your friends' approval? Deny God? Ditch your "date time" or prayer time with God?
We have all done a Herod thing before... May we repent and turn from these betrayals towards God.
John spoke against the sin that Herod committed -- namely divorcing one woman to marry another. It was a sin and the woman in this story especially did not like what she was hearing and John paid dearly for this act.
On the other hand, Herod is caught in a sticky situation. He had made a great promise in front of all of his dinner guests pretty much to show off his power.. yet when the request is made - he is troubled because he is still bothered by the fact that he respects John... but is it enough?
He went ahead and did the deed and brought John the Baptist's head on a platter.
What will you do for the approval of a large group of people versus the approval of God? What will you do to gain your friends' approval? Deny God? Ditch your "date time" or prayer time with God?
We have all done a Herod thing before... May we repent and turn from these betrayals towards God.
Mar 20, 2010
March 20 - Mark 6:1-12
Two things are spoken of here..
Verses 1-6 talk about how a prophet is without honor in his own hometown.. Sometimes when we all grow up together we think we know each other really well and sometimes we do. Then, say - the guy that is known as the "rebel" in your class changes - for some reason, it's harder for those that really know him to accept this rebel as a changed person. It's like the people around this person have a harder time believing and accepting that this person has changed and so the so-called former rebel has a hard time adjusting to his new life as a changed person.
Sometimes we become so familiar and adjusted to our current life, the people around us - that sometimes it's hard to notice change. Sometimes it's hard to accept that the person that used to be such a bad person, the person that you had made up your mind to dislike - is no longer that bad anymore -- they changed!
Would you give them a chance? Would you give yourself a chance? Sometimes, change is possible with God. Bad people don't stay bad forever.
If there is someone in our youth group who has had an image that they really want to shed - let's give them a chance to be the different person that God has destined them to be. Trust that God is changing the person... and don't let your prejudices guide the way you treat people.
The second theme is about the awesome power of God - ordinary people given the authority to cast out demons and heal!!! How amazing is that? God sends each and every one of us out into the world to be a witness of God's power. And what if your friends say, "Dude, what's gotten into you? When did you become such a Jesus freak? How come you actin' all nice and stuff? That's not you.." Well, back to the point above... people may not believe that you've changed but don't believe the lies.. God is continuing an awesome work in you... Believe it.. and one day He will send you out with authority like these disciples!
How totally cool is that!
Verses 1-6 talk about how a prophet is without honor in his own hometown.. Sometimes when we all grow up together we think we know each other really well and sometimes we do. Then, say - the guy that is known as the "rebel" in your class changes - for some reason, it's harder for those that really know him to accept this rebel as a changed person. It's like the people around this person have a harder time believing and accepting that this person has changed and so the so-called former rebel has a hard time adjusting to his new life as a changed person.
Sometimes we become so familiar and adjusted to our current life, the people around us - that sometimes it's hard to notice change. Sometimes it's hard to accept that the person that used to be such a bad person, the person that you had made up your mind to dislike - is no longer that bad anymore -- they changed!
Would you give them a chance? Would you give yourself a chance? Sometimes, change is possible with God. Bad people don't stay bad forever.
If there is someone in our youth group who has had an image that they really want to shed - let's give them a chance to be the different person that God has destined them to be. Trust that God is changing the person... and don't let your prejudices guide the way you treat people.
The second theme is about the awesome power of God - ordinary people given the authority to cast out demons and heal!!! How amazing is that? God sends each and every one of us out into the world to be a witness of God's power. And what if your friends say, "Dude, what's gotten into you? When did you become such a Jesus freak? How come you actin' all nice and stuff? That's not you.." Well, back to the point above... people may not believe that you've changed but don't believe the lies.. God is continuing an awesome work in you... Believe it.. and one day He will send you out with authority like these disciples!
How totally cool is that!
Mar 19, 2010
March 19 - Mark 5
This chapter gives us a look at a world impacted by sin... Demon possession not only ruins a person's life but tears a community apart. They are helpless as to what to do with this issue.. A "legion" can mean 6,000 demons.. This word is usually used to describe armies.
The woman who had been bleeding for 12 years was not only physically sick but because of her "unclean" state - no one wanted to be near her. She was socially handicapped as well... Can you imagine how she managed to come out in public that day? Can you imagine the kind of faith and courage she had to have to get out there?
The third story is about a girl who was dead and Jesus brought her to life..
Sickness, demon-possession, death makes us realize that life is not perfect, that we are mortal, that things come to an end, and things are not what they should be, or was intended to be. In other words, we know what is "normal" and we know when things don't make that standard.
Jesus has power over sickness, over demons, over death. He is God... everything, everyone has to listen and obey. Now, if this is the God we call "Abba, Father" - one we have a close relationship with - how should we be living and believing differently? How will this shape the way we look at this world and the way we live in this world?
The woman who had been bleeding for 12 years was not only physically sick but because of her "unclean" state - no one wanted to be near her. She was socially handicapped as well... Can you imagine how she managed to come out in public that day? Can you imagine the kind of faith and courage she had to have to get out there?
The third story is about a girl who was dead and Jesus brought her to life..
Sickness, demon-possession, death makes us realize that life is not perfect, that we are mortal, that things come to an end, and things are not what they should be, or was intended to be. In other words, we know what is "normal" and we know when things don't make that standard.
Jesus has power over sickness, over demons, over death. He is God... everything, everyone has to listen and obey. Now, if this is the God we call "Abba, Father" - one we have a close relationship with - how should we be living and believing differently? How will this shape the way we look at this world and the way we live in this world?
Mar 18, 2010
March 18 - Mark 4:21-41
If you were to look around at your classmates, who do you think will be famous in ten years?
Who's so invisible that you probably won't remember them? Now, wouldn't you be surprised if that invisible, tiny, insignificant person were to become famous? Most people would respond.. "wow, who would've thought?"
At first glance, a mustard seed isn't significant. At first glance, Jesus doesn't seem to be much. His disciples are fishermen, tax collectors and a few smart ones in there -- but really unimpressive.
Even the disciples don't understand how significant and amazing Jesus is. The last verse of this chapter describes their shock.. "Who is this that even the waves obey Him?" And, sadly, they still didn't quite get it even as Jesus was being crucified..
But, they eventually did get it -- it's kind of like that seed described in vv. 26-29. The faith grows. We don't exactly know how it grows but God makes it grow... And, through the ups and downs of discipleship, the disciples' faith was growing.
Like the mustard seed, the single grain, the man Jesus, that kid in your class... look closely because God is doing something amazing.. What seems insignificant, may not be what it seems.
Who's so invisible that you probably won't remember them? Now, wouldn't you be surprised if that invisible, tiny, insignificant person were to become famous? Most people would respond.. "wow, who would've thought?"
At first glance, a mustard seed isn't significant. At first glance, Jesus doesn't seem to be much. His disciples are fishermen, tax collectors and a few smart ones in there -- but really unimpressive.
Even the disciples don't understand how significant and amazing Jesus is. The last verse of this chapter describes their shock.. "Who is this that even the waves obey Him?" And, sadly, they still didn't quite get it even as Jesus was being crucified..
But, they eventually did get it -- it's kind of like that seed described in vv. 26-29. The faith grows. We don't exactly know how it grows but God makes it grow... And, through the ups and downs of discipleship, the disciples' faith was growing.
Like the mustard seed, the single grain, the man Jesus, that kid in your class... look closely because God is doing something amazing.. What seems insignificant, may not be what it seems.
Mar 17, 2010
March 17 - Mark 4:1-20
Do you remember God's message to you from a month ago? A week ago? Yesterday?
When the seed (the Word of God) bears fruit - that means that there is a transformation in your life - not in the circumstances around you - but inside of you, there is a transformation. When you look back at your journal(hopefully you're journaling) -- how has the Word of God transformed your life and caused you to bear fruit? Are you still the same tree you were a few months ago? Or, are you a little different - bearing the fruit of God? Or, are you bearing fruits that are not from God? What influences are "sprouting" and bearing fruit in your life?
What is rubbing off on you? Forming your character? Your world perspective, the way you see the world?
This is what we're talking about in this parable. Because merely hearing the Word of God isn't enough.. what are you doing so that you are retaining it? Is the Word of God remaining on your heart throughout the week? Is God's message to you sitting with you, working itself out in your mind? Are you praying about the things you think God is saying to you?
This Bible reading stuff isn't something you just check off the list and say "Check, I've done my Christian thing." This is the only way to know God and to develop a deeper relationship with Him. If you're thinking my life isn't changing... you need to start here.. and not just reading.. but making sure that what you're reading and hearing isn't snatched away, isn't drowned out by all the other things on your mind...
May we be intentional with what God is saying to each of us because He is saying something to you.
When the seed (the Word of God) bears fruit - that means that there is a transformation in your life - not in the circumstances around you - but inside of you, there is a transformation. When you look back at your journal(hopefully you're journaling) -- how has the Word of God transformed your life and caused you to bear fruit? Are you still the same tree you were a few months ago? Or, are you a little different - bearing the fruit of God? Or, are you bearing fruits that are not from God? What influences are "sprouting" and bearing fruit in your life?
What is rubbing off on you? Forming your character? Your world perspective, the way you see the world?
This is what we're talking about in this parable. Because merely hearing the Word of God isn't enough.. what are you doing so that you are retaining it? Is the Word of God remaining on your heart throughout the week? Is God's message to you sitting with you, working itself out in your mind? Are you praying about the things you think God is saying to you?
This Bible reading stuff isn't something you just check off the list and say "Check, I've done my Christian thing." This is the only way to know God and to develop a deeper relationship with Him. If you're thinking my life isn't changing... you need to start here.. and not just reading.. but making sure that what you're reading and hearing isn't snatched away, isn't drowned out by all the other things on your mind...
May we be intentional with what God is saying to each of us because He is saying something to you.
Mar 16, 2010
March 16 - Mark 3
Jesus heals on the sabbath, appoints the twelve, corrects the religious leaders and establishes a new family...
lots of stuff going on..
The healing on the sabbath is a continuation of the previous chapter - in demonstrating that the point of all of this isn't rules but to follow God and become like Him.. What would Jesus have done? What did He do? He didn't say-- sorry, it's the sabbath I'm not allowed to do this.. Nope, it is in God's character to heal and to redeem so the sabbath is not something that would restrict God's love. Remember in Mark 2:27 (last verse) - Jesus mentions that the Sabbath was made for man, meaning it is supposed to serve a purpose, it's a means towards something else.. not man made for the Sabbath. People were not created to serve the purpose of the Sabbath..
Jesus appoints the twelve and 12 is an important number. He also lists the names in pairs.. denoting the importance of teamwork and partnership in ministry. They were usually sent out in two's. Twelve is also a link to the 12 tribes of Israel... All that God has done in history through Israel is not forgotten.. it is all connected..
Religious leaders thought Jesus was crazy.. And He probably did seem that way. he was doing radical things, trying to show them how radical God is... Do people think you're crazy? (In a good way, I mean.) If you're blending in too much, something might be missing.
And, Jesus establishes the guidelines for the new family... We are in the family of God together because we believe in Him and do His will..
lots of stuff going on..
The healing on the sabbath is a continuation of the previous chapter - in demonstrating that the point of all of this isn't rules but to follow God and become like Him.. What would Jesus have done? What did He do? He didn't say-- sorry, it's the sabbath I'm not allowed to do this.. Nope, it is in God's character to heal and to redeem so the sabbath is not something that would restrict God's love. Remember in Mark 2:27 (last verse) - Jesus mentions that the Sabbath was made for man, meaning it is supposed to serve a purpose, it's a means towards something else.. not man made for the Sabbath. People were not created to serve the purpose of the Sabbath..
Jesus appoints the twelve and 12 is an important number. He also lists the names in pairs.. denoting the importance of teamwork and partnership in ministry. They were usually sent out in two's. Twelve is also a link to the 12 tribes of Israel... All that God has done in history through Israel is not forgotten.. it is all connected..
Religious leaders thought Jesus was crazy.. And He probably did seem that way. he was doing radical things, trying to show them how radical God is... Do people think you're crazy? (In a good way, I mean.) If you're blending in too much, something might be missing.
And, Jesus establishes the guidelines for the new family... We are in the family of God together because we believe in Him and do His will..
Mar 15, 2010
March 15 - Mark 2
Extreme Faith...
Sounds awesome in the age of extreme sports, extreme stunts, extreme lives.. It's something out of the ordinary. How about digging up a roof? We're talking a thick mixture of clay, grass, mud over a foot thick.. Digging through a solid roof so that your friend can meet this Jesus, of whom they only heard about.
Jesus was that big of a deal. And this big deal requires extreme devotion and extreme faith..because sadly Jesus is competing with all of the other things that grab our attention and He shouldn't be. It should be so obvious who the big deal is, who should be getting our devotion, our hearts...
And this extreme faith is what the pharisees and the religious leaders didn't get. This chapter is full of the objections they had because they couldn't understand that following and obeying God was not about rules... it was about a relationship with God.. about walking with Him, talking to Him -- not about doing a bunch of rituals..
Extreme faith is not religion. Extreme faith is a life of walking with God, following His steps, listening and obeying His words... and it's about laying at His feet as He comforts us, restores us and encourages us.
What do you say?
Sounds awesome in the age of extreme sports, extreme stunts, extreme lives.. It's something out of the ordinary. How about digging up a roof? We're talking a thick mixture of clay, grass, mud over a foot thick.. Digging through a solid roof so that your friend can meet this Jesus, of whom they only heard about.
Jesus was that big of a deal. And this big deal requires extreme devotion and extreme faith..because sadly Jesus is competing with all of the other things that grab our attention and He shouldn't be. It should be so obvious who the big deal is, who should be getting our devotion, our hearts...
And this extreme faith is what the pharisees and the religious leaders didn't get. This chapter is full of the objections they had because they couldn't understand that following and obeying God was not about rules... it was about a relationship with God.. about walking with Him, talking to Him -- not about doing a bunch of rituals..
Extreme faith is not religion. Extreme faith is a life of walking with God, following His steps, listening and obeying His words... and it's about laying at His feet as He comforts us, restores us and encourages us.
What do you say?
Mar 14, 2010
March 14 - Mark 1
Some facts...
Mark is the shortest gospel.
Jesus Christ is not first and last name. Christ means "messiah" - essentially it's Jesus "the" Christ
The gospels are loaded with so much in one chapter so I'll just pick a few to focus on. If you have any questions for a chapter, please email P. Rana at or leave a comment.
Preparation for God's Work...
Jesus is baptized, He sees the heavens torn open and sees a dove descending.. The heavens approve of the work that Jesus is about to do.
He is then sent out into the wilderness to be tempted and tested...
One way temptation is described is something that causes you to choose something over God (Francis Chan)...
When we have committed ourselves to God - to have a relationship with him - since we live in a world of sin, we are immediately tempted by Satan to choose something else over God. There are distractions, there are deceptions, there are temptations.. Such temptations, trials give us an opportunity to show that one is qualified and ready to take upon this calling and the other is to strengthen us...
Is there opposition or temptation in your life? What must you do to choose God above all else? Begin by giving the basics to Him... your time in prayer and in the Word. Fill your mind with the words of God and devote your conversations to the Lord in prayer.
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
If you have some free time, take about 50 minutes to listen to this sermon by Francis Chan!
Mark is the shortest gospel.
Jesus Christ is not first and last name. Christ means "messiah" - essentially it's Jesus "the" Christ
The gospels are loaded with so much in one chapter so I'll just pick a few to focus on. If you have any questions for a chapter, please email P. Rana at or leave a comment.
Preparation for God's Work...
Jesus is baptized, He sees the heavens torn open and sees a dove descending.. The heavens approve of the work that Jesus is about to do.
He is then sent out into the wilderness to be tempted and tested...
One way temptation is described is something that causes you to choose something over God (Francis Chan)...
When we have committed ourselves to God - to have a relationship with him - since we live in a world of sin, we are immediately tempted by Satan to choose something else over God. There are distractions, there are deceptions, there are temptations.. Such temptations, trials give us an opportunity to show that one is qualified and ready to take upon this calling and the other is to strengthen us...
Is there opposition or temptation in your life? What must you do to choose God above all else? Begin by giving the basics to Him... your time in prayer and in the Word. Fill your mind with the words of God and devote your conversations to the Lord in prayer.
8Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8)
If you have some free time, take about 50 minutes to listen to this sermon by Francis Chan!
Mar 13, 2010
March 13 - Isaiah 66
"A Whole New World... a dazzling place I never knew..."
"Discovery of the New World"
When we think of "new" we think of exciting, different, exciting, fresh...
Isaiah closes with this idea that something new is coming.. and for some reason the Bible isn't the only place that speaks of it. In fact, the Americas was a "new world" to those journeying from Europe like Columbus... But, what do we make of this "new world" now? Is it so new? Is it a place that is dazzling, exciting.. Actually, it's lost its luster, its attraction.. it's not new anymore.
Can you imagine a place where the newness just stays? Like the new car smell that tends to linger for only a short time.. Imagine if that new, freshness was always there...
Well, this is how Isaiah closes.. God promises us a new earth, new heavens... a newness that will never be tainted. a place that sin can no longer touch.. a fresh new start that will never lose its freshness... can you imagine?
Do you want to be a part of it?
"Discovery of the New World"
When we think of "new" we think of exciting, different, exciting, fresh...
Isaiah closes with this idea that something new is coming.. and for some reason the Bible isn't the only place that speaks of it. In fact, the Americas was a "new world" to those journeying from Europe like Columbus... But, what do we make of this "new world" now? Is it so new? Is it a place that is dazzling, exciting.. Actually, it's lost its luster, its attraction.. it's not new anymore.
Can you imagine a place where the newness just stays? Like the new car smell that tends to linger for only a short time.. Imagine if that new, freshness was always there...
Well, this is how Isaiah closes.. God promises us a new earth, new heavens... a newness that will never be tainted. a place that sin can no longer touch.. a fresh new start that will never lose its freshness... can you imagine?
Do you want to be a part of it?
Mar 12, 2010
March News and Permission Slip
March Permission Slip - Click on below image
…to our retreat students & officers, counselors, teachers, parents, staff for making our Jr. High Winter Retreat so awesome!
Young Jeong (3/15)
Yeji Kim (3/22)
Mark Lee SSN (3/23)
JinWoo Kim 3/30
-Lent continues through the weekend of Good Friday 4/2/10. Each student has committed to a lent devotion through prayer daily from 8-8:15 PM, fasting and community service. Please encourage your son/daughter by participating with them.
-Please visit our Jr. High blog at and answer our Winter Retreat survey even if you did not participate. We need to decide our dates for Summer Retreat 2010.
April 23-24 ::: 30-Hour Famine Lock-IN
Fridays (7:30-9:45 PM):
March 5 – Worship and Bible Study led by Deacon John Ou
March 12 – Spring Cleaning and Sound Engineering Seminar for students – New equipment will be installed and students will be taught how to use this new equipment
March 19 – WAVE Revival at Pilgrim Church – a gathering of local New Jersey churches at an annual youth revival hosted by Pilgrim Church in Paramus, NJ
March 26 – Passion Week Special Prayer and Worship A special prayer and worship session focusing on the passion week ahead. This will involve stations of the cross and meditation upon the suffering of Jesus.
Missions/Community Service Project – MISSION OF HOPE
We are partnering with a missions organization in Haiti called Mission of Hope. We are making friendship bracelets to send along with letters to the children in Haiti. These children are in the orphanage, school or hospital at this ministry. We are gathering monetary gifts to send along with these handmade bracelets to the children.
Important Sunday Items:
-Bible, Notebook/Journal, Student’s Guide to the Bible
-Schedules: Sunday Worship begins promptly at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Bible study is from 12:30-1:15 pm. Please wait for your child and refrain from calling their cell phones until 1:15 pm.
-Offering Envelopes: We have special offering envelopes available for each student. Please look for the square blue envelope in the box outside of the worship room. Please prepare your offering before entering worship.
**Bible Readings: Please go to our blog
We will finish Isaiah (Major Prophets) and read through Mark (Gospels) in March.
If you have any questions, please call or text me at 213-500-3750 or email at
-Pastor Rana Park

…to our retreat students & officers, counselors, teachers, parents, staff for making our Jr. High Winter Retreat so awesome!
Young Jeong (3/15)
Yeji Kim (3/22)
Mark Lee SSN (3/23)
JinWoo Kim 3/30
-Lent continues through the weekend of Good Friday 4/2/10. Each student has committed to a lent devotion through prayer daily from 8-8:15 PM, fasting and community service. Please encourage your son/daughter by participating with them.
-Please visit our Jr. High blog at and answer our Winter Retreat survey even if you did not participate. We need to decide our dates for Summer Retreat 2010.
April 23-24 ::: 30-Hour Famine Lock-IN
Fridays (7:30-9:45 PM):
March 5 – Worship and Bible Study led by Deacon John Ou
March 12 – Spring Cleaning and Sound Engineering Seminar for students – New equipment will be installed and students will be taught how to use this new equipment
March 19 – WAVE Revival at Pilgrim Church – a gathering of local New Jersey churches at an annual youth revival hosted by Pilgrim Church in Paramus, NJ
March 26 – Passion Week Special Prayer and Worship A special prayer and worship session focusing on the passion week ahead. This will involve stations of the cross and meditation upon the suffering of Jesus.
Missions/Community Service Project – MISSION OF HOPE
We are partnering with a missions organization in Haiti called Mission of Hope. We are making friendship bracelets to send along with letters to the children in Haiti. These children are in the orphanage, school or hospital at this ministry. We are gathering monetary gifts to send along with these handmade bracelets to the children.
Important Sunday Items:
-Bible, Notebook/Journal, Student’s Guide to the Bible
-Schedules: Sunday Worship begins promptly at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Bible study is from 12:30-1:15 pm. Please wait for your child and refrain from calling their cell phones until 1:15 pm.
-Offering Envelopes: We have special offering envelopes available for each student. Please look for the square blue envelope in the box outside of the worship room. Please prepare your offering before entering worship.
**Bible Readings: Please go to our blog
We will finish Isaiah (Major Prophets) and read through Mark (Gospels) in March.
If you have any questions, please call or text me at 213-500-3750 or email at
-Pastor Rana Park
March 12 - Isaiah 65
I really enjoyed reading The Message translation for this one.. (always try reading different versions for the same verse.. you can get more out of it sometimes)
There is always a remnant... the few that do remain faithful and this is God's promise to them. He will hear them even before they finish calling out to Him. There will come a day when justice will reign. Where people that are getting low wages building houses don't have to just build houses -- but they actually get to live in them. Or the farmers that farm produce they can't afford to eat themselves can finally eat what they grow..
On the flip side - verses 1-7 discuss people that do not care to look at God.. they go on having their parties, discussing their philosophies on life... believing everything and anything that is hip but ignoring God. This is exactly what is happening today... people will believe anything except God.. if you call yourself a God-believing, Resurrected Jesus-believing person then you'll be mocked. They'll call you a hater of everyone else, calling your narrow-minded... "why can't everyone go to heaven for living their lives the way the feel like?"...
Sometimes it's easier to be the people described in verses 1-7.. and most of the people around you are this way. But, will you be the few that remain devoted to God until the very end.. because in the end -- the final judgment is all that really counts.
There is always a remnant... the few that do remain faithful and this is God's promise to them. He will hear them even before they finish calling out to Him. There will come a day when justice will reign. Where people that are getting low wages building houses don't have to just build houses -- but they actually get to live in them. Or the farmers that farm produce they can't afford to eat themselves can finally eat what they grow..
On the flip side - verses 1-7 discuss people that do not care to look at God.. they go on having their parties, discussing their philosophies on life... believing everything and anything that is hip but ignoring God. This is exactly what is happening today... people will believe anything except God.. if you call yourself a God-believing, Resurrected Jesus-believing person then you'll be mocked. They'll call you a hater of everyone else, calling your narrow-minded... "why can't everyone go to heaven for living their lives the way the feel like?"...
Sometimes it's easier to be the people described in verses 1-7.. and most of the people around you are this way. But, will you be the few that remain devoted to God until the very end.. because in the end -- the final judgment is all that really counts.
Mar 11, 2010
March 11 - Isaiah 64
It's interesting to note the type of relationship Israel has with God... After all of their sinning and turning away from God they still want God to be their avenger, they still want God to fix everything after the things that they have done.
He is their potter and they are the clay. He made a promise with them...
Verses 1-7 speak of how much wrong they've done.. but verse 8-12 begin with "still..." "yet..." you're our father.. you can't abandon us.
It's pretty audacious to say something like this to God but this is the relationship they have with their God. And, God and His people made the promise - if you repent and return to me, I will be your God. God's pretty firm on that promise. No ifs, ands, or buts..
Do you have the audacity to return to God in repentance? Do you know that God loves you so much? Do you know that He is waiting for you?
This is the love of God. How awesome is that?
He is their potter and they are the clay. He made a promise with them...
Verses 1-7 speak of how much wrong they've done.. but verse 8-12 begin with "still..." "yet..." you're our father.. you can't abandon us.
It's pretty audacious to say something like this to God but this is the relationship they have with their God. And, God and His people made the promise - if you repent and return to me, I will be your God. God's pretty firm on that promise. No ifs, ands, or buts..
Do you have the audacity to return to God in repentance? Do you know that God loves you so much? Do you know that He is waiting for you?
This is the love of God. How awesome is that?
Mar 10, 2010
March 10 - Isaiah 63
Isaiah 63:1-6 should be read separately from the rest of the chapter. The first six verses focus on the day of the LORD, the day of vengeance - thus the references to blood. He is also for those believing one who is Mighty to Save
A Bold, Audacious.. Child-like Prayer..
The rest of this chapter is a prayer.. the prayer praises God for all that He has done throughout history..
Yet, the latter part of this prayer is reminiscent of a whining child blaming God for everything that has gone wrong. And, isn't this what most of us do when things go wrong? When we don't wake up for a special day - we blame our parents saying - "how come you didn't wake me up?" Or, when we've messed up -- it's easy to blame and say that your parents did something wrong..
Well, this is coming from that general direction.. Why did you let me fall away God?
Why did you harden my heart? And, one scholar named Goldingay calls this an outrageous prayer and there are lots of it throughout the Bible.. You can only say outrageous, demanding, straight from the heart, completely honest prayers if there is a relationship, a history.. if you can recount what God is capable of - you can demand these things of God.
Are your prayers outrageous? Are they straight from the heart? Are they unabashed prayers to your heavenly Father?
Maybe it's time to pray outrageously.. Let's put our politeness aside. God is not a stranger. He is our Father.
A Bold, Audacious.. Child-like Prayer..
The rest of this chapter is a prayer.. the prayer praises God for all that He has done throughout history..
Yet, the latter part of this prayer is reminiscent of a whining child blaming God for everything that has gone wrong. And, isn't this what most of us do when things go wrong? When we don't wake up for a special day - we blame our parents saying - "how come you didn't wake me up?" Or, when we've messed up -- it's easy to blame and say that your parents did something wrong..
Well, this is coming from that general direction.. Why did you let me fall away God?
Why did you harden my heart? And, one scholar named Goldingay calls this an outrageous prayer and there are lots of it throughout the Bible.. You can only say outrageous, demanding, straight from the heart, completely honest prayers if there is a relationship, a history.. if you can recount what God is capable of - you can demand these things of God.
Are your prayers outrageous? Are they straight from the heart? Are they unabashed prayers to your heavenly Father?
Maybe it's time to pray outrageously.. Let's put our politeness aside. God is not a stranger. He is our Father.
Mar 9, 2010
March 9 - Isaiah 62
If you want to get a sense for what this chapter is all about, think of fairy tales that end with a poor girl becoming a princess and lives happily ever after..
Israel is small, weak, deserted but she will no longer be called deserted but names like "Hephzibah" which means My Delight and "Beulah" which means married - the opposite if what it means to be alone as a woman in those times - which means having no power or means to make a living.
Stories as told through books, fairy tales and most recently movies are expressions of the human mind or heart... what one longs for or what one thinks..
There are many stories of the underdog or the poor girl being rescued by her handsome prince.. or even the nerd becoming the coolest person in school. In our heart of hearts we want to be rescued, we want this kind of fairy tale ending where everything is taken care of..
This is what God is saying.. that deep longing in your heart for that fairy tale ending is my promise to you.. if you will trust me, follow me for the ride that is called "this life on earth" -- but we're getting there, we're on our way to the Promised Land... to your Promised Eternity.
Israel is small, weak, deserted but she will no longer be called deserted but names like "Hephzibah" which means My Delight and "Beulah" which means married - the opposite if what it means to be alone as a woman in those times - which means having no power or means to make a living.
Stories as told through books, fairy tales and most recently movies are expressions of the human mind or heart... what one longs for or what one thinks..
There are many stories of the underdog or the poor girl being rescued by her handsome prince.. or even the nerd becoming the coolest person in school. In our heart of hearts we want to be rescued, we want this kind of fairy tale ending where everything is taken care of..
This is what God is saying.. that deep longing in your heart for that fairy tale ending is my promise to you.. if you will trust me, follow me for the ride that is called "this life on earth" -- but we're getting there, we're on our way to the Promised Land... to your Promised Eternity.
Mar 8, 2010
March 8 - Isaiah 61
Please listen...
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD has anointed Isaiah to speak forth these words. What does anointing mean? It means that God has given you authority, made you holy, set apart for His service. When we pray for the anointing, we pray for God's special touch on our lives...
The day will come when these words will come true.. and the coolest thing is that it's already happening. God has already begun this work of redeeming, of healing, of restoring the brokenhearted. This is what we are called to experience in the church today. Let us receive this promise in faith. God has promised and given to us!
May we respond in praise as in verse 10.. and even in the song above. Our God is an Awesome God!!
The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD has anointed Isaiah to speak forth these words. What does anointing mean? It means that God has given you authority, made you holy, set apart for His service. When we pray for the anointing, we pray for God's special touch on our lives...
The day will come when these words will come true.. and the coolest thing is that it's already happening. God has already begun this work of redeeming, of healing, of restoring the brokenhearted. This is what we are called to experience in the church today. Let us receive this promise in faith. God has promised and given to us!
May we respond in praise as in verse 10.. and even in the song above. Our God is an Awesome God!!
Mar 7, 2010
March 7 - Isaiah 60
Could this be a picture of heaven? It can be a picture of heaven.. but the bigger picture is our EVERLASTING destiny.. This promise is EVERLASTING.. it has no end.
No matter what has happened today or this week or this month.. this isn't it. This is the hope we have as Christians that nothing is ever the end for us because God is our ultimate end.
If you're asking yourself is this the best it's going to ever get? NO is the answer. It's not. because it will get so so so much better.
How does that make you feel?
No matter what has happened today or this week or this month.. this isn't it. This is the hope we have as Christians that nothing is ever the end for us because God is our ultimate end.
If you're asking yourself is this the best it's going to ever get? NO is the answer. It's not. because it will get so so so much better.
How does that make you feel?
Mar 6, 2010
March 6 - Isaiah 59
Imagine our world covered in soot and ashes. Everything is so dark that what is beneath, what is true is no longer recognizable. Now, imagine that the soot and ashes are piled on a foot thick... This is the picture of sin...
We've sinned and never repented of our sin.. and then we create lies to cover up the sin by justifying it... (vv. 14-15). Now this present world fights for laws to make legal the sins that are stated so clearly in the Bible - so there is no truth.. Everyone is so blind that they walk around as if they could not see (v. 10) We are so deep in our sin, that we have deceived ourselves... and it seems as if there is no cleaning up this mess that we have made.
Yet, God's arm is not too short to save.
We live in a world of sin -- and sometimes our personal lives are full of sin -- so much that we've hidden ourselves from God like Adam and Eve did - out of shame. And eventually we fall away from God because sometimes it's better in the darkness where we're not exposed.. We feel better about ourselves in the dark..
Maybe it's this world that is so full of deceit, lies and darkness...
Maybe it's your life of sin that has kept you away from God because you feel better about yourself in the darkness of sin and you don't want to expose yourself to God's light..
Maybe you have a friend or a family member who has turned away from God and has resorted to a life of sin..
Whichever it is -- sin separates us from God. God's arm is not too short that He can't get through inches and inches of sinful soot and ashes.. Come to the light.. Come as you are...
This worship song came to mind.. "Come to the Light"
We've sinned and never repented of our sin.. and then we create lies to cover up the sin by justifying it... (vv. 14-15). Now this present world fights for laws to make legal the sins that are stated so clearly in the Bible - so there is no truth.. Everyone is so blind that they walk around as if they could not see (v. 10) We are so deep in our sin, that we have deceived ourselves... and it seems as if there is no cleaning up this mess that we have made.
Yet, God's arm is not too short to save.
We live in a world of sin -- and sometimes our personal lives are full of sin -- so much that we've hidden ourselves from God like Adam and Eve did - out of shame. And eventually we fall away from God because sometimes it's better in the darkness where we're not exposed.. We feel better about ourselves in the dark..
Maybe it's this world that is so full of deceit, lies and darkness...
Maybe it's your life of sin that has kept you away from God because you feel better about yourself in the darkness of sin and you don't want to expose yourself to God's light..
Maybe you have a friend or a family member who has turned away from God and has resorted to a life of sin..
Whichever it is -- sin separates us from God. God's arm is not too short that He can't get through inches and inches of sinful soot and ashes.. Come to the light.. Come as you are...
This worship song came to mind.. "Come to the Light"
Come to the light
Kevin Prosch
Well I'm standing here to testify (oh the Lord is good)
to sing of how He changed my heart (oh the Lord is good)
I was bound by hate and pride (oh the Lord is good)
never knowing of this light (oh the Lord is good)
I did not think I could have peace (oh the Lord is good)
trapped inside by fear and shame (oh the Lord is good)
You wiped away all of grief (oh the Lord is good)
when I believed upon Your Name
Come to the light, come as you are
You can be the friend of God.
Humble yourself, give Him your heart.
He will meet you, where you are.
Come to the light, just as you are.
Fall on the rock, for the wasted years.
He will restore all that was lost.
Surrender now, His power is here.
Mar 5, 2010
March 5- Isaiah 58
What an interesting way to title this chapter "True Fasting"
We can easily call it "True Lent" or even "True Worship"
Verse 5 explains this problem clearly -- Is fasting just going through the motions, starving yourself, bowing your head, saying some prayers, giving up texting, doing that one thing you promised to give up for lent?
It is not fasting when you're just sacrificing things yet you still scream at people in anger or are mean to the people that are weaker or less popular than you. When you see someone in need - of clothes, of a friend, of a hug, of a word of encouragement - respond to it.
This is what I call Lent.. True Fasting.. True Worship...
Are we just struggling to give up that one thing just for the sake of giving up something for Lent out of tradition? Or, is this a true act of worship that is changing us - the way we live, the way we serve those around us, the way we act?
Has Lent been just a struggle to get something done just because you said it? Have you lost the focus on what this time of renewing our vows to God? Maybe it's time to readjust the way we approach this time of fasting... It's not so much just a giving up but a giving up so that we can gain so much more!
We can easily call it "True Lent" or even "True Worship"
Verse 5 explains this problem clearly -- Is fasting just going through the motions, starving yourself, bowing your head, saying some prayers, giving up texting, doing that one thing you promised to give up for lent?
It is not fasting when you're just sacrificing things yet you still scream at people in anger or are mean to the people that are weaker or less popular than you. When you see someone in need - of clothes, of a friend, of a hug, of a word of encouragement - respond to it.
This is what I call Lent.. True Fasting.. True Worship...
Are we just struggling to give up that one thing just for the sake of giving up something for Lent out of tradition? Or, is this a true act of worship that is changing us - the way we live, the way we serve those around us, the way we act?
Has Lent been just a struggle to get something done just because you said it? Have you lost the focus on what this time of renewing our vows to God? Maybe it's time to readjust the way we approach this time of fasting... It's not so much just a giving up but a giving up so that we can gain so much more!
Mar 4, 2010
March 4 - Isaiah 57
Our world is so full of sin... and sometimes it seems as if we really enjoy everything that is "sin"
What makes good TV? Violence, drama, injustice, sex...
If a TV show were about righteousness.. well, let's just say that there are things like that and you would never find it bringing in lots of money.
Why is there such an obsession with sin such as the ones mentioned in vv. 3-13?
Why do we love the things that God hates? Why do we think it's entertaining - when really it's destructive to the very minds and bodies God has given to us?
Do you love or enjoy or find as entertainment the things God hates?
Does watching dishonorable TV shows, cartoons, youtube videos make you laugh? Maybe it's time to examine your heart... why do you find this funny? God wouldn't find this funny..
Ask yourself = Would God think this was entertaining? Would He laugh? Or, would He be utterly disappointed?
May we seek after God's heart to know His heart first.
What makes good TV? Violence, drama, injustice, sex...
If a TV show were about righteousness.. well, let's just say that there are things like that and you would never find it bringing in lots of money.
Why is there such an obsession with sin such as the ones mentioned in vv. 3-13?
Why do we love the things that God hates? Why do we think it's entertaining - when really it's destructive to the very minds and bodies God has given to us?
Do you love or enjoy or find as entertainment the things God hates?
Does watching dishonorable TV shows, cartoons, youtube videos make you laugh? Maybe it's time to examine your heart... why do you find this funny? God wouldn't find this funny..
Ask yourself = Would God think this was entertaining? Would He laugh? Or, would He be utterly disappointed?
May we seek after God's heart to know His heart first.
Mar 3, 2010
March 3 - Isaiah 56
After the devastation and destruction, then what? What the Israelites failed to do (that led them to their destruction) was their lack of justice and righteousness.
And this chapter begins with the statement:
"Maintain justice and do what is right"
You have a new start.. let's get it right this time.
And to those who are fully devoted to God (in this case we're talking about eunuchs). Eunuchs are male officials that have been castrated (remove their reproductive functions - no babies) to devote themselves more fully to a leader (a king, etc.)
These eunuchs -- that have chosen God even over having their own family or a wife are not a "dry tree" - unable to reproduce and have children. They have something more to look forward to. To these God has promised them "joy inn my house of prayer."
Can you imagine being so fully devoted to God or to a king or some cause that you would forego ever having a family? That's a eunuch.. or even today some that have devoted themselves as nuns in the catholic church.
And God doesn't leave them dry because the rewards they have waiting for them is so great...
What can you learn from the devotion of these extremely devoted people?
And this chapter begins with the statement:
"Maintain justice and do what is right"
You have a new start.. let's get it right this time.
And to those who are fully devoted to God (in this case we're talking about eunuchs). Eunuchs are male officials that have been castrated (remove their reproductive functions - no babies) to devote themselves more fully to a leader (a king, etc.)
These eunuchs -- that have chosen God even over having their own family or a wife are not a "dry tree" - unable to reproduce and have children. They have something more to look forward to. To these God has promised them "joy inn my house of prayer."
Can you imagine being so fully devoted to God or to a king or some cause that you would forego ever having a family? That's a eunuch.. or even today some that have devoted themselves as nuns in the catholic church.
And God doesn't leave them dry because the rewards they have waiting for them is so great...
What can you learn from the devotion of these extremely devoted people?
Mar 2, 2010
March 2 - Isaiah 55
God's words will not return empty..
Have you heard of the phrase "empty promises"? It's promises people make that don't mean anything. They're just words with no guarantee. Well, God's promises, His words, what He says He'll do, His commands -- not empty at all.
He is higher than us. His thoughts, His ways are higher than ours.
So, when He says "go out in joy and be led forth in peace" - Believe it! Because what He says, He will do. His words are not empty.
May we trust in our Heavenly Father whose words are true. And may we strive to imitate Him - that we may reflect God's character in our own lives by speaking and living by words of truth.
Have you heard of the phrase "empty promises"? It's promises people make that don't mean anything. They're just words with no guarantee. Well, God's promises, His words, what He says He'll do, His commands -- not empty at all.
He is higher than us. His thoughts, His ways are higher than ours.
So, when He says "go out in joy and be led forth in peace" - Believe it! Because what He says, He will do. His words are not empty.
May we trust in our Heavenly Father whose words are true. And may we strive to imitate Him - that we may reflect God's character in our own lives by speaking and living by words of truth.
Mar 1, 2010
March 1 - Isaiah 54
The Unfailing Love of God..
It was only for a moment that God rejected us but His love does not fail. You can always count on His love.
So, enlarge your tents and make yourselves ready to be loved by God in a big way!
Are you ready to be loved completely and amazingly by God?
Sometimes, we don't allow ourselves to be loved by God. We have small expectations. We doubt. We don't step out in faith and allow ourselves to be showered by God's love. Sometimes we've been let down and don't want to set ourselves up for disappointment so we never take the chance to put ourselves out there.. Well, God is different. His love never fails! You can go all out and get ready to receive His love. You can flaunt it - that you're loved by the Almighty God. And, he'll never leave you in the dust.
Meditate on His unfailing love today..
It was only for a moment that God rejected us but His love does not fail. You can always count on His love.
So, enlarge your tents and make yourselves ready to be loved by God in a big way!
Are you ready to be loved completely and amazingly by God?
Sometimes, we don't allow ourselves to be loved by God. We have small expectations. We doubt. We don't step out in faith and allow ourselves to be showered by God's love. Sometimes we've been let down and don't want to set ourselves up for disappointment so we never take the chance to put ourselves out there.. Well, God is different. His love never fails! You can go all out and get ready to receive His love. You can flaunt it - that you're loved by the Almighty God. And, he'll never leave you in the dust.
Meditate on His unfailing love today..
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