…to our retreat students & officers, counselors, teachers, parents, staff for making our Jr. High Winter Retreat so awesome!
Young Jeong (3/15)
Yeji Kim (3/22)
Mark Lee SSN (3/23)
JinWoo Kim 3/30
-Lent continues through the weekend of Good Friday 4/2/10. Each student has committed to a lent devotion through prayer daily from 8-8:15 PM, fasting and community service. Please encourage your son/daughter by participating with them.
-Please visit our Jr. High blog at www.paliyouth.blogspot.com and answer our Winter Retreat survey even if you did not participate. We need to decide our dates for Summer Retreat 2010.
April 23-24 ::: 30-Hour Famine Lock-IN
Fridays (7:30-9:45 PM):
March 5 – Worship and Bible Study led by Deacon John Ou
March 12 – Spring Cleaning and Sound Engineering Seminar for students – New equipment will be installed and students will be taught how to use this new equipment
March 19 – WAVE Revival at Pilgrim Church – a gathering of local New Jersey churches at an annual youth revival hosted by Pilgrim Church in Paramus, NJ
March 26 – Passion Week Special Prayer and Worship A special prayer and worship session focusing on the passion week ahead. This will involve stations of the cross and meditation upon the suffering of Jesus.
Missions/Community Service Project – MISSION OF HOPE
We are partnering with a missions organization in Haiti called Mission of Hope. We are making friendship bracelets to send along with letters to the children in Haiti. These children are in the orphanage, school or hospital at this ministry. We are gathering monetary gifts to send along with these handmade bracelets to the children.
Important Sunday Items:
-Bible, Notebook/Journal, Student’s Guide to the Bible
-Schedules: Sunday Worship begins promptly at 11:30 a.m. and ends at 12:30 p.m. Bible study is from 12:30-1:15 pm. Please wait for your child and refrain from calling their cell phones until 1:15 pm.
-Offering Envelopes: We have special offering envelopes available for each student. Please look for the square blue envelope in the box outside of the worship room. Please prepare your offering before entering worship.
**Bible Readings: Please go to our blog www.paliyouth.blogspot.com
We will finish Isaiah (Major Prophets) and read through Mark (Gospels) in March.
If you have any questions, please call or text me at 213-500-3750 or email at ranachoi@gmail.com.
-Pastor Rana Park
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