Mar 26, 2010

March 26 - Mark 10:1-16

Verses 1-12 - They wanted Jesus to speak against the divorce passage in Deuteronomy so as to catch him. Again, they're stuck in sticking to the "rules" than really getting the point of the law.. The point of the law is to protect people. When two are brought together and united - the tearing apart (divorce) is often a very painful thing because what has been united was never meant to be taken apart.

Verses 13-16 If you can imagine the crowds around Jesus, there are some curious, some like the Pharisees and teachers of the law that just want to find a reason to put Jesus on trial and then there are the children- who genuinely want to know Jesus and have little trepidation in accepting His promises. They don't think too hard about it. They don't get picky about HOW you're supposed to follow a certain law... In fact, sometimes children are smarter in that they get Jesus's simple message that it's about God's love and they're not stubborn or unbelieving...

In this way, of the crowds - the children were probably the brightest of the bunch. Never neglevt the voice of a child or those younger than you. You might learn a thing or two from them.

1 comment:

  1. power to the kids :)
    i hate how the Pharisees are always trying to put Jesus down.
    dont they understand who he is??
    HE IS GOD.
    hes giving them msgs that cannot be said any better.
