Mar 11, 2010

March 11 - Isaiah 64

It's interesting to note the type of relationship Israel has with God... After all of their sinning and turning away from God they still want God to be their avenger, they still want God to fix everything after the things that they have done.


He is their potter and they are the clay. He made a promise with them...
Verses 1-7 speak of how much wrong they've done.. but verse 8-12 begin with "still..." "yet..." you're our father.. you can't abandon us.
It's pretty audacious to say something like this to God but this is the relationship they have with their God. And, God and His people made the promise - if you repent and return to me, I will be your God. God's pretty firm on that promise. No ifs, ands, or buts..

Do you have the audacity to return to God in repentance? Do you know that God loves you so much? Do you know that He is waiting for you?

This is the love of God. How awesome is that?

1 comment:

  1. i mean we all act like, oh i dont need you God but at the end he is our god and he wants us to repent.
    we end up repenting. SOMETIMES
    isn't our god so great?
    i mean even if you do something CRAZY like murder someone, but if you cry out to him and ask for his forgiveness, he will give you him mercy.
