Apr 18, 2010

April 18 - Romans 9:1-33

Why does God show some mercy and allow others to continue in their rebellious ways?

The answer: Only God knows...

One thing we do know about God's character is that He is a God of justice. He will never do anything just because He feels like it. He is never inconsistent. He will always act according to His justice.
And, we will never understand why God shows mercy and why sometimes God allows destruction to happen?

This is the Sovereignty of God. He is Sovereign. There is no one greater than God.

Any objections?

Well, this is a big part of our faith in God - that we trust that He knows what He is doing and we don't. He is the potter and we are the clay.

We can try to understand His ways - but remember, God is way big for us. His ways are greater... too big for us to ever get the "big picture"... We'll only just see our itty-bitty picture.

May we surrender to the BIGness of God.. the Sovereignty of God. Recognize we are small. And trust in our BIG God. He is BIG. And this BIG God loves us very much so stick with Him.

1 comment:

  1. we arent the almighty and BIG God. and sometimes we think we are.
    i love the feeling how im safe and a small child in God's hands. im safe if i believe and have faith. if i pray and talk to him daily. if i read the living word. if i try my hardest to do things in His name.
    thats a feeling that makes us happy that we are children of our BIG God :)
    He can help us with all these priorities if we trust Him. thats an amazing motivation. :))
