Apr 21, 2010

April 21 - Romans 11:33-36

This is what we would call a Doxology. "Doxa" means glory in Greek.

for eleven chapters Paul has been taking us through the basics of our faith, our salva tion with questions and answers.

and after all has been said, argued, and answered -- and even with more questions lingering the appropriate response is praise - to give glory to God.

Wonder: oh! How deep is His wisdom and knowledge... So deep that I cannot grasp it. You just can't figure Him out sometimes.
Humility: Who has ever told God what to do or taught Him anything. No one.
Exalt: All things come from Him and through Him. Without God nothing would exist. He does deserve all the credit and glory and praise.

have a doxa moment today and give God the glory.

1 comment:

  1. its kinda weird how God is the beginning and the end. who made Him? He did :)
    He built eveyrthing on Earth.
    you know how our prayers always go like...
    "Dear God, thank you for this wonderful day and the beutiful weather..."
    right? well we should really mean it.
    thank Him always and He deserves everything from us.
    your ipod? would you give it up for God? maybe. phone? probably not. technology? probably not. although He made that. facebook? too addicting to give up.
    He does deserve all the credit and glory and attention from us because He is the Lord.
