Feb 12, 2010

February 12 - Isaiah 37

How dare the Assyrian king mock our God? Yes, he did destroy the nations that trusted in their gods.. but how dare he insult our God...
This is probably how King Hezekiah felt as he lifted up a prayer to God. Yes, Judah was pretty weak and there was not much Judah could do for themselves.

God is not an idol made by hands. God is not some made-up fairy tale. And, Hezekiah knows this.
Do you?
Do you know how powerful and mighty our God is?
Do you know that when you cry out to Him, when you pray to Him - He hears you?

And, see what God has done.. he sends an angel of the LORD to wipe out 185,000 men.. talk about God's supernatural work!

What a mighty God we serve!
He hears the prayers of the righteous
the prayers of those who trust in Him despite the mockery
He answers them and truly takes care of us!
What a mighty God we serve!

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