Feb 14, 2010

February 14 - Isaiah 39

Merodach-Baladan was a very powerful person from a very powerful Babylon. Of course, Hezekiah, king of small little Judah would be impressed that this VIP would come bearing gifts. Remember, Babylon is the nation that will bring down Judah once and for all...

King Hezekiah had a great opportunity to give glory to God, give God credit for saving this kingdom.. intead - he did what anyone would do to impress a big person. He showed off everything in his palace and didn't give credit to the One who gave it to him in the first place.

Sometimes it's easier to trust God when we're having a bad day than when we're having a good one. We tend to forget about God when everything is going well.. and this is what King Hezekiah did.

What can you do to trust God in all things, good and bad?

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