Feb 16, 2010

February 16 - Isaiah 41

"Present your case!" (v. 21)
This chapter resembles a court where each side is to present their case? For what?
Who is God?

But the idols have nothing to say for they are made of gold or wood or silver..
v. 24 "But you are less than nothing and your works are utterly worthless.."
the idols can't speak forth anything.. no prophecies, no words, no warnings, nothing. (v. 26)

Bottom line. God is GOD and no one else or in this case, nothing else.

Because God is protecting us when we trust Him - we have nothing to fear. God is in control. Thus, nothing else, not any idol should be controlling your life.

Do we give in to the power of the idols in our lives? Do we allow things to influence us more than God? The God of money, of power, of good looks?

1 comment:

  1. I agree. We always have to trust God. but for the idols, doesn't almost everyone have idols ? Unless they live secluded or something, isn't there usually something that actually takes up a lot more of our lives than our time devoted to God ?
