Mar 1, 2010

March 1 - Isaiah 54

The Unfailing Love of God..

It was only for a moment that God rejected us but His love does not fail. You can always count on His love.

So, enlarge your tents and make yourselves ready to be loved by God in a big way!

Are you ready to be loved completely and amazingly by God?

Sometimes, we don't allow ourselves to be loved by God. We have small expectations. We doubt. We don't step out in faith and allow ourselves to be showered by God's love. Sometimes we've been let down and don't want to set ourselves up for disappointment so we never take the chance to put ourselves out there.. Well, God is different. His love never fails! You can go all out and get ready to receive His love. You can flaunt it - that you're loved by the Almighty God. And, he'll never leave you in the dust.

Meditate on His unfailing love today..

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