Mar 27, 2010

March 27 - Mark 10:17-52

The rich man had two great loves in his life - his love of God (he followed all the commandments) AND his love of money. If you are following God you can't do both. Everything else must come after God. You can have lots of money. That wasn't the problem. If you use the money for God's glory then the money isn't controlling your life but God is directing the way you use money. So, this man went away sad...because this was hard to do.

If you want to be great, be the servant of all... In this world we want to "lord over" others. We want to be in charge. We take places of prestige, positions that we can mention on our Harvard University applications. Yet, what is true leadership? Jesus demonstrates it here and in his life. To be the greatest means to be the servant of all and this has caught on not only in the church but in the secular corporate world.. If you google "servant leadership" many corporate CEOs have come to incorporate this idea into their leadership. In order to lead, you must learn to serve. A true leader - serves.

And in the most beautiful demonstration of power and of leadership -- Jesus washes the disciples' feet.

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