Mar 21, 2010

March 21 - Mark 6:13-29

The cost of speaking the truth...
John spoke against the sin that Herod committed -- namely divorcing one woman to marry another. It was a sin and the woman in this story especially did not like what she was hearing and John paid dearly for this act.

On the other hand, Herod is caught in a sticky situation. He had made a great promise in front of all of his dinner guests pretty much to show off his power.. yet when the request is made - he is troubled because he is still bothered by the fact that he respects John... but is it enough?

He went ahead and did the deed and brought John the Baptist's head on a platter.

What will you do for the approval of a large group of people versus the approval of God? What will you do to gain your friends' approval? Deny God? Ditch your "date time" or prayer time with God?
We have all done a Herod thing before... May we repent and turn from these betrayals towards God.


  1. we would do so much to fit in. to impress everyone. show of our power to them. tho is it worth it?
    wel do the craziesest stuff to impress others but not to impress god.

  2. In this passage, King Herod had to make a choice.
    He had made an oath to give his wife's daughter whatever she wanted. When she gave the request for John the Baptist's head on a platter, he is torn between his respect for John and his oath.
    In the end, he executes John.
    This is an example of we do all the time. Though many people claim to be christians, and have a relationship with God, when they have to make a decision between their images and acknowledging God, they choose to be shallow and make a bad decision.
    We shouldn't make decisions like Herod's.
