Mar 10, 2010

March 10 - Isaiah 63

Isaiah 63:1-6 should be read separately from the rest of the chapter. The first six verses focus on the day of the LORD, the day of vengeance - thus the references to blood. He is also for those believing one who is Mighty to Save

A Bold, Audacious.. Child-like Prayer..

The rest of this chapter is a prayer.. the prayer praises God for all that He has done throughout history..
Yet, the latter part of this prayer is reminiscent of a whining child blaming God for everything that has gone wrong. And, isn't this what most of us do when things go wrong? When we don't wake up for a special day - we blame our parents saying - "how come you didn't wake me up?" Or, when we've messed up -- it's easy to blame and say that your parents did something wrong..

Well, this is coming from that general direction.. Why did you let me fall away God?
Why did you harden my heart? And, one scholar named Goldingay calls this an outrageous prayer and there are lots of it throughout the Bible.. You can only say outrageous, demanding, straight from the heart, completely honest prayers if there is a relationship, a history.. if you can recount what God is capable of - you can demand these things of God.

Are your prayers outrageous? Are they straight from the heart? Are they unabashed prayers to your heavenly Father?
Maybe it's time to pray outrageously.. Let's put our politeness aside. God is not a stranger. He is our Father.

1 comment:

  1. That makes sense
    thanks P.Rana!
    I'll keep that in mind while praying from now on
