Mar 13, 2010

March 13 - Isaiah 66

"A Whole New World... a dazzling place I never knew..."
"Discovery of the New World"

When we think of "new" we think of exciting, different, exciting, fresh...

Isaiah closes with this idea that something new is coming.. and for some reason the Bible isn't the only place that speaks of it. In fact, the Americas was a "new world" to those journeying from Europe like Columbus... But, what do we make of this "new world" now? Is it so new? Is it a place that is dazzling, exciting.. Actually, it's lost its luster, its attraction.. it's not new anymore.

Can you imagine a place where the newness just stays? Like the new car smell that tends to linger for only a short time.. Imagine if that new, freshness was always there...

Well, this is how Isaiah closes.. God promises us a new earth, new heavens... a newness that will never be tainted. a place that sin can no longer touch.. a fresh new start that will never lose its freshness... can you imagine?

Do you want to be a part of it?

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY!!!!!!! Isaiah is over. It was a pretty depressing chapter, but I like the last few chapters. It had a good message to it. But, if you really think about it, within all the depression is God's real message to us. Isaiah was boring, but meaningful.
