Apr 2, 2010

April 2 - Mark 15

The Word of God in itself is so amazing, especially this account that it needs no commentary.

Share your thoughts below on what stood out to you. Every time I read this account, new images are revealed to me.

For me:
v. 5 the silence of Jesus amazes me... and it puzzled Pilate too. "Aren't you going to say something?"
v. 11 it's amazing how the chief priests stirred up the crowd to do the wrong thing. It's amazing what a large group of people can do. they can do harm and they can do good.
v. 39 -- though the soldiers mocked him and there is no denying the power of Jesus - that He is the Son of God. I want to have that undeniable faith.
v. 43 I think the "boldness" of Joseph of Arimathea is never recognized. He wanted to have the honor of placing Jesus's body to rest in an honorable way. He didn't hesitate to take the opportunity and he did it quickly so that he wouldn't miss this opportunity... Do I see and take the opportunities that are given to me?

World Apart by Jars of Clay

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