Apr 29, 2010

April 28 - Romans 16

sorry for the late post

In the beginning of this chapter, Paul recognizes the hard workers for Christ.
Many women are mentioned here.. one notable - Priscilla and Aquila (the wife's name is mentioned before the husband) - it could be because the wife came to Christ first, she may have been more involved -- but here is one great example of the role of women in leadership positions.

Verse 17-18 -- There are people who use bits and pieces of the Word of God for their own gain. Sometimes we don't like what we hear in the Word of God and only listen to the parts that we like.. Or, we use one part of the Bible over and over and over again - almost ignoring all of the other parts.

May we study and obey the WHOLE word of God. This is our call to worship Him WHOLLY.

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