Apr 22, 2010

April 22 - Romans 12:1-8

Paul begins - therefore... (so after all has been said) - offer your bodies as living sacrifices. In Paul's day, they thought the body useless and often referred to it as a tomb, trapping their spirits..
Paul was saying that in this lifetime, use your bodies as a living sacrifice, an act of worship to God. Don't see it as something that is here today and will be gone in eternity. Use what you have today and use it for the glory of God because tomorrow you may not have it.

Take what you've got, your mind, your body - everything and be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God. Then your mind will be made new and all things that you didn't know before will become very clear to you. You will begin to understand what God's will is, what pleases God -- you will begin to see the world as God sees the world and understand it as God.

May we offer up our lives to God that He may transform us and make us new...

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