Apr 26, 2010

April 26 - Romans 14:1-23

Some things are not worth getting worked up about...
v. 19 Let us make every effort to do things that will lead to peace and edification(building each other up).

Every believer is at a different place in their growth.. Some listen to secular music, some don't. Some are obsessed with facebook some are not.. Are these really things to judge each other with?
Is it really that big of a deal?

If someone has a big issue with listening to secular music or with doing certain things - make sure you don't cause that person to stumble by disrespecting them. Do all things to maintain peace. If they will be offended, don't do it.

These little bitty things are not what should concern us but rather the really big thing of salvation...


  1. i think the verse was a strong one and gives good advice. if im feeling upset and angry i sometimes ask my friends to pray for me. they always help me and motivate me to do better things. (motivate was one of my vocab words:))
    we shouldnt say something that would offend each other. everyone gets angry at the little things that dont matter. i was mad at a friend who wouldnt pick up her phone which is pretty stupid. some little things matter, the others dont.

  2. WOAH thats a lot of words you said
