Apr 11, 2010

Sunday 4/11 Announcements

1. Welcome to Palisades Church’s Lord’s Day Worship Service! If you are new today, we welcome you in the name of Jesus!
2. TODAY - We have regular Bible study today until 1:15 PM.
3. THIS FRIDAY, April 16 is Praise Night Practice. We will finish recording our “Imma Be” song and will film our music video
4. SATURDAY, April 17 – Depending on our progress on Friday Night, we will meet on Saturday from 9 AM-1 PM at a location away from church(Times are subject to change) to complete our music video filming. We will also be at church from 1 PM-4 PM to work on our Mission of Hope – Haiti Bracelet fundraiser.
5. Praise Night is coming up on 4/23. Please take 2-3 postcards to give to your friends inviting them to come.
6. Honduras Missions for July is accepting applications. Pastor Bob Koo will be leading the team of students for Honduras Mission. Open to graduating 8th graders and 6th/7th if parents are going as well. Please apply soon!
7. Haiti Fundraiser. We will be fundraising for Mission of Hope in Haiti by making bracelets for the children in Haiti. Please pick up supplies today in Room 104 after Bible study.
8. Praise Team is recruiting. If you would like to join especially for next year, please let John SSN know.

-Ongoing Announcements-
Bible Reading Blog. Don’t forget to visit www.paliyouth.blogspot.com daily for your Bible reading. And, don’t forget to comment with questions, comments, etc.Sunday Servants – Please gather by 11:25 AM in our sanctuary to prepare for Sunday Worship. Next Week’s Servants are listed below.
Things to Bring on Sundays. Remember to bring 1) Bible 2) Journal 3) SGB Student’s Guide to the Bible 4) Offering in Envelope and a pen/pencil each Sunday. We will keep track of it and there is a prize!
Next Week’s Servants
Presider: Simon Lee
Prayer & Scripture Reading: Andrew Yi
Bulletin Usher: Joon Cho
Offering Prayer: Justin Lee

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